Sotima Halloween Party, NOV 4, 2023

The time has come to unleash your inner beast, dust off your most terrifying costume, and head to Bar Sotima! We will be celebrating the living and the dead on November 4.

  • Doors will be open from 6 p.m. till midnight
  • Age limit 18
  • Free entrance

The bartenders will be poisoning you with their special tinctures, you can partake in a Halloween-themed pub quiz, and of course, the best costume will be rewarded!

You must be 18 to enter - free entrance. Use the Sotima door behind the building - the shop doors will close at 6 p.m. The pub quiz starts at 8 p.m., and the prize for the best costume will be handed out at around 10.30 p.m.

We will be taking photos at the event. If you don't want to be in the photos, let our photographer know, or contact our marketing after the party.


Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon, w. Leather Sheath, Right, Black Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon, w. Leather Sheath, Right, Brown Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon, w. Leather Sheath, Left, Black Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon Steel, w. Plastic Blade Cover
Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon Steel
Terävä Skrama 240, Carbon Steel
83.99 - 125.99 USD
The Skrama is a versatile heavy-duty bush knife – a tool that builds shelters, chops firewood, and even carves feather sticks! If you're taking just one knife into the bush, get a big Skrama!
Czech Sleeping Mask of Horror, Surplus
Czech Sleeping Mask of Horror, Surplus
4.99 USD
Troubled by nightmares of the worst kind? This will scare them away. Officially, this is an outdoor sleeping mask that drives away the bitter cold winter air. However, the legend whispers that it also repels the restless spirits of the night. Probably the only thing that works both in the physical world and in the Dreamlands. Maybe. This is also exactly the kind of horror mask that the next hot cult movie monster will wear. Those Czech scientists really knew what they were doing but probably lost scores of sanity points while doing it. Iä, Iä like a baby fhtagn!
Särmä Blanket Shirt, Green Särmä Blanket Shirt, Dark Grey
Särmä Blanket Shirt
Särmä Blanket Shirt
177.99 USD
The Särmä Blanket Shirt is a primitive low-tech super garment where the natural qualities of wool combined with simple and clever details make for a very functional outdoors jacket!