About us

Varusteleka (pronounced [Where's the liquor?] and loosely translates to Gear Hammer) is an military and outdoors store from Finland. We have a walk-in store in Helsinki and we serve online customers worldwide. What does this Varusteleka mean? Varusteleka is obviously Finnish and comes from "varuste", which means equipment or gear, and "leka" which means a sledgehammer, or a bottle of booze in slang.

The company was established in 2003 and has become the biggest army store in Europe. Our crew has over 70 professional members, and our turnout in 2022 was 23.13 Million €.

Not only do we have thousands of interesting items, but we spend a lot of time of describing them accurately. As a natural result of having experience with this stuff and a mission to do things right, we created our own brands: Särmä, Särmä TST, and Terävä.

Customers will be attended to even after the purchase, that's how good our service is. We take pride in our skill and experience: you will have hard time finding a better military gear store than Varusteleka.


  • We support the good guys. For the neutral, it would suffice that no more evil enters the world. Those on the side of the good make efforts to increase the good in the world. Source: Strategy 2024-2026

Modus operandi

  • Take bold action
  • Do so you can be proud
  • Share knowledge and experiences
  • Full ownership


  • Total world domination
  • Be a pathfinder
  • Be internationally known
  • Be a good company that is profitable and growing

Birth of Varusteleka

Everything began back in 2003. I was 21 years old, had just gotten into the University of Helsinki to study Finnish and was sorely disappointed with the quality of Finnish army surplus stores; the selection was poor and online shops either didn't exist or were so bad you wished they didn't. With the support of my family, I took the first careful steps on the path of private entrepreneurship in the guise of a small online shop. I coded a simple online shop in which I concentrated on proper product descriptions, took a one thousand euro loan and ordered as much Bundeswehr and US issue as the money could buy. Along with the webshop, I had a very rusty van that acted as a walk-in store for the first brave cash customers.

After that things took off like a greyhound after a rabbit, so I ended my studies the same year I started and paid my loan in record time. I had my work cut out for me as I tended to run out of kit much faster than I was able to restock and had a chronic storage capacity problem, not to mention the seemingly endless supply of army kit junkies who just wouldn't take no for an answer. Fancy business premises have never held much interest for me, so Varusteleka has always been situated in places where you wouldn't usually find a shop. I still have vivid memories of a time when I'd keep the shop open until six o'clock, blissfully unaware that the evening watchman had locked the door at four. The current shop is larger and better equipped than many conventional clothes stores, though it is still located in a warehouse hall in the Konala industrial estate in Helsinki. Judging by the never-ending stream of customers, this does not seem to bother people overly much and at least the store is big enough.

The biggest reform in Varusteleka history was when I decided to throw caution to the wind and get real, full-time employees, and pay them in real money instead of the traditional squirrel skins and steel helmets. When things were no longer limited by how much I as an individual could do, the proverbial manure really hit the windmill. Since then we've been steadily employing more and more people. Where once there was only me and a tired van, there now stand over 70 efficient, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic employees ready and able to serve. Indeed, it might be said that this high-quality workforce is the main reason for Varusteleka's epic rise to power - through some strange chain of events, I seem to have managed to cheat, coerce and tempt some exceptional individuals to work for me. What makes our success even more remarkable is the fact that we do everything ourselves: graphics, marketing, writing, web pages, accounting, product testing, all of it. Not bad for a bunch of layabouts who've had to figure it all out for themselves, huh?

In its current state Varusteleka is quite big, and it has gotten that way in much the same way snowballs do: slowly and by itself without any outside money, and accelerating all the time. This is very important for me personally, since I never got into this for the money, but rather so I could do stuff as I liked and build a business as well as I am able to. I'm proud of the fact that in this era of big money and investor shit, you can create something big from scratch by simply rolling up your sleeves and doing things well.

The success of my shop must say something about my countrymen - how can we exist in a country this small, selling mostly to the Finnish? By 2010 Varusteleka had become so big it's probably the biggest in Europe, and might well be the biggest one in the world, at least when it comes to surplus-selling stores. The funny thing is that the vast majority of our customers live in Finland, so, unlike our European "competitors", we only have some five million potential customers. Maybe it's our harsh climate, or maybe Finns just have a taste for getting better stuff for less, who knows.

Varusteleka is still primarily an online shop - all our products can be found on our home page, and we're quite honest (some might say brutally so) when it comes to product descriptions. We send orders ridiculously quickly, and if you didn't like what you got, returning it is free (provided you live in Finland). This does not even remotely mean that our walk-in store has been neglected though, quite the opposite in fact, and not least because one million people, give or take, live near it and to pop in to say hi every once in a while. Despite numerous appeals from the public, it is not as of yet realistic for us to set up stores anywhere else in Finland. This does, however, mean that our storehouse and walk-in store are on the same premises, which in turn means that every product you can find on our web page can also be bought from the walk-in store.

- Valtteri Lindholm


  • Valtteri


    With us since 2003. Class: Entrepreneur.

    "It's pointless to blame me for anything, I'm always on the good guys' side. "
  • Samu


    With us since 2006. Class: WEB/DEV/Photographer.

  • Sampo


    With us since 2007. Class: Development Manager.

    "Adventurer, wizard, hero."
  • Toni


    With us since 2009.

    "Gotta make a buck!"
  • Teemu


    With us since 2010. Class: Warehouse manager.
  • Oku


    With us since 2010. Class: Customer Service wizard.

    "Ye olde customer support worker."
  • Valtteri


    With us since 2011. Class: The Shop's desigated "somebody".

    "Kiki's birthday!"
  • Tero


    With us since 2011. Class: Sales Manager.
  • Essi


    With us since 2011. Class: Production Manager.
  • Marianna


    With us since 2011. Class: Customer service.
  • Mira


    With us since 2013. Class: HR specialist.

    "Fluffiness, cats and coffee."
  • Suvi


    With us since 2013. Class: Supply Chain Director.
  • Tuomas


    With us since 2013. Class: Warehouse.
  • Maria


    With us since 2014. Class: Jämä Manager.
  • Magnus


    With us since 2015. Class: Customer Service.
  • J-P


    With us since 2015. Class: Warehouse.
  • Miro


    With us since 2015. Class: Warehouse manager.
  • Tea


    With us since 2016. Class: Buyer.
  • Jari


    With us since 2016. Class: CEO.
  • Jukka


    With us since 2017. Class: CFO.
  • Niklas


    With us since 2017. Class: Business Development Assistant.
  • Olli


    With us since 2018. Class: Analytics and Business Development.
  • Lauri


    With us since 2018. Class: Analytics and Marketing.
  • Luca


    With us since 2019. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Mika


    With us since 2019. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Inka


    With us since 2019. Class: Customer service.
  • Veera


    With us since 2019. Class: Propaganda Wizard.
  • Arne


    With us since 2019. Class: Warehouse.
  • Olli


    With us since 2016. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Elina


    With us since 2016. Class: Sourcing Director.
  • Kai


    With us since 2016. Class: Copywriter.
  • Marja


    Lekalainen vuodesta 2019. Luokka: Amazon sales manager.
  • Perttu


    With us since 2020. Luokka: Customer service.
  • Alexandros


    With us since 2020. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Iiro


    With us since 2020. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Akseli


    With us since 2020. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Joni


    With us since 2020. Class: Warehouse.
  • Sampo-Antti


    With us since 2020. Class: Warehouse.
  • Suvi


    With us since 2020.
  • Jyri


    With us since 2020. Class: Lord of War.
  • Anna


    With us since 2020. Class: Sotima
  • Elena


    With us since 2021. Class: Buyer.
  • Noora


    With us since 2021. Class: Shop assistant.
  • AB


    With us since 2021. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Minja


    With us since 2021. Class: Development coordinator.
  • Marten


    With us since 2021. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Niklas


    With us since 2021. Class: Button merchant.
  • Simo


    With us since 2021. Class: Copywriter

    "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."
  • Manu


    With us since 2021. Class: Warehouse

    Forever lost
  • Olli


    With us since 2022. Class: Warehouse
  • Okko


    With us since 2022. Class: Warehouse
  • Jaakko


    With us since 2022. Class: Warehouse
  • Jesse


    With us since 2022. Class: Warehouse
  • Anssi


    With us since 2022. Class: Battle Captain

    Progression ends in satisfaction.
  • Janne


    With us since 2022. Class: Conttori

    Urea iacta est
  • Anna


    With us since 2022.
  • Markus


    With us since 2022.
  • Heli


    With us since 2022.
  • Antti


    With us since 2022. Class: Customer service.
  • Otto


    With us since 2022. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Maria


    With us since 2022. Class: Customer service.
  • Sini


    With us since 2023. Class: Product designer.
  • Jari


    With us since 2024. Class: Chief of Sales and Marketing Officer.
  • Tommi


    With us since 2024. Class: Shop assistant.
  • Boy


    With us since 2016. Class: Shop mannequin.

Company info

Founded in 2003. Situated in Finland. Owned by His Majesty, Valtteri Lindholm. CEO Jari Laine. Varusteleka's address is Hankasuontie 11 A, 00390 Helsinki, Finland. All our functions are located in the same premises. Business ID: 2082907-8. EU VAT number: FI20829078.

In 2018, we handled and shipped 259,213 orders to 83 countries.

The history of Varusteleka

Go and check out the history of Varusteleka from the 20 years of Varusteleka -page! We have listed a few milestones through the years both in good and in a few controversies, too.
