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Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g. Screencapture from the product video
Screencapture from the product video
Panimoyhtiö Tuju

Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g

Price 6.99 USD excluding sales tax

Put some black darkness on your sausage! Pyövelin Olutsinappi – The Executioner's Beer Mustard is genuinely black mustard, in which almost all water has been replaced with the renowned Pyöveli (Executioner) Imperial Stout. Packaging size is 290 grams / 10.2 oz.

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Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g.
Pyövelin Olutsinappi Mustard, 290 g. Screencapture from the product video

Put some black darkness on your sausage! Pyövelin Olutsinappi – The Executioner's Beer Mustard is genuinely black mustard, in which almost all water has been replaced with the renowned Pyöveli (Executioner) Imperial Stout. Packaging size is 290 grams / 10.2 oz.

Only walk-in store pickup – we do not ship glass mustard jars anywhere, sorry.

Manufacturer's Testimony

"The sharply cutting flavor world is precisely juxtaposed with a malty soft mouthfeel. Deep flavors hit like an axe on the chopping block, and the culinary delight might make you lose your head.

The darkly black mustard is designed for the Christmas table, but the product brings joy to any other season also. The versatile flavor of the mustard is suitable, for example, for guillotine dance parties and enhances the taste pleasure of well-slashed summer sausages."

Packaging size is 290 grams / 10.2 oz.

Product Video


Mustard powder, Pyöveli Imperial Stout beer (18.5%) (water, barley malt, oats, hops, yeast), water, sugar, brown sugar, vinegar, colorants (caramel color E150C, black food color E153), cornstarch, malt extract, preservative sodium benzoate E211.

Extra salt. Store at room temperature, refrigerate after opening. Shake or mix well before use.

Manufacturer Panimoyhtiö Tuju

Panimoyhtiö (Brewery Company) Tuju was founded in 2015 with the aim of bringing back high-quality craft beer culture to Lappeenranta. The brewery's mission is to brew beer using traditional techniques by hand, with each stage of the process executed with precision under strict quality control. The result is stylistically pure beers, whose intense flavors and approachability hook tasters into Tuju's better beers time and time again. Tuju also offers auxiliary products such as mustard.

All products: Panimoyhtiö Tuju


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09.02.2024 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Varmaan ihan jees, mutta miten se on mustaa? Eihän olut ole mustaa...
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Varusteleka Varusteleka 13.02.2024
Moikka Marko, Imperial stout voi olla väritykseltään hyvinkin lähellä Volvo 740 vm 84 moottoriöljyä, jolla kelattu reilu miljoona ja öljyt vaihdettu 100tkm sitten. Ei kaikki olut ole lager olutta ja sellaista pissan väristä.
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