When you slap one of these awesome morale patches on your sleeve, backpack, or baseball cap, your morale will definitely get a nice boost. Originally a military thing but also perfectly suited for lifting your spirits on the battlefields of everyday life. Quick and easy to attach with hook and loop. Read the full story

Product groups
Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Raven, Round Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Brown Bear Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Fox Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Cat Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Raven Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Snake Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Bat Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Ant Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Retriever Särmä Animals Morale Patch, Owl
Särmä Animals Morale Patch
Särmä Animals Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 165 in the last two weeks.
Särmä No Step On Snek morale patch
Särmä No Step On Snek morale patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 33 in the last two weeks.
BotR Will Fight For Cheese Morale Patch
BotR Will Fight For Cheese Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 24 in the last two weeks.
Forgotten Weapons Royal Air Service Elbonia Morale Patch
Forgotten Weapons Royal Air Service Elbonia Morale Patch
6.99 USD
Now available. Sold 12 in the last two weeks.
Forgotten Weapons Wauser Morale Patch
Forgotten Weapons Wauser Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 13 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Mood Morale Patch, Grumpy Särmä Mood Morale Patch, Mad Särmä Mood Morale Patch, Sad
Särmä Mood Morale Patch
Särmä Mood Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 21 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Grill Master Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Prince Colonel Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, One Star Sheriff Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Two Star Sheriff Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Three Star Sheriff Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Grill Sergeant Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Sauna Major Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Sauna Gollum Candidate Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia, Sauna Gollum
Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia
Särmä Cottage Rank Insignia
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 160 in the last two weeks.
Kierto product
Särmä TST NATO Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm, Full Color Särmä TST NATO Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm, Subdued Särmä TST NATO Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm, Subdued Desert
Särmä TST NATO Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm
Särmä TST NATO Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 81 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Finnish Space Force Morale Patch, 90 mm
Särmä Finnish Space Force Morale Patch, 90 mm
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 25 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Camp Morale Patch
Särmä Camp Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock. Sold 12 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST Joulukonsu Morale Patch
Särmä TST Joulukonsu Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 6 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Father Pig Morale Patch
Särmä Father Pig Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 6 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST Don't Sneeze on Me Morale Patch, Subdued  Särmä TST Don't Sneeze on Me Morale Patch, Full Color
Särmä TST Dont Sneeze on Me Morale Patch
Särmä TST Don't Sneeze on Me Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 10 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST 82nd Airborne Morale Patch
Särmä TST 82nd Airborne Morale Patch
2.99 USD 4.99 USD
Now available. Discontinued product. Sold 4 in the last two weeks.
BotR Special Power Garbage Tier Morale Patch
BotR Special Power Garbage Tier Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 3 in the last two weeks.
Mighty Finland Morale Patch
Mighty Finland Morale Patch
9.99 USD
Now available. Sold 33 in the last two weeks.
Forgotten Weapons Only Dropped Once Morale Patch
Forgotten Weapons Only Dropped Once Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 9 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST FDF Morale Patch
Särmä TST FDF Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 31 in the last two weeks.
BotR 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division Polar Bear Morale Patch
BotR 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division Polar Bear Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 3 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Pig Swill morale patch
Särmä Pig Swill morale patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 3 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST Helmet Skull Morale Patch
Särmä TST Helmet Skull Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
 Särmä TST Finnish Lion Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm
Särmä TST Finnish Lion Flag Patch, 77 x 47 mm
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Särmä TST RUN TST Morale Patch
Särmä TST RUN TST Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 4 in the last two weeks.
Forgotten Weapons Logo Morale Patch
Forgotten Weapons Logo Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Forgotten Weapons Elbonian Flag Patch, 69 x 47 mm
Forgotten Weapons Elbonian Flag Patch, 69 x 47 mm
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
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Särmä Rainbow flag patch, 77 x 47 mm
Särmä Rainbow flag patch, 77 x 47 mm
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 4 in the last two weeks.
Forgotten Weapons Puffin Brutality Morale Patch
Forgotten Weapons Puffin Brutality Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock. Sold 4 in the last two weeks.
Remote Military March 2023 Morale Patch
Remote Military March 2023 Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 1 in the last two weeks.
BotR Bloke Cartoon Head Morale Patch
BotR Bloke Cartoon Head Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available.
BotR Chap Cartoon Head Morale Patch
BotR Chap Cartoon Head Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Now available.
BotR Old Bernese Battle Flag Morale Patch
BotR Old Bernese Battle Flag Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Security personnel tag, pin attachment
Security personnel tag
Security personnel tag
5.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Särmä Finnish Space Force Morale Patch, 65 mm
Särmä Finnish Space Force Morale Patch, 65 mm
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Sotima reflective patch
Sotima reflective patch
4.99 USD
Now available. Sold 1 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Winter Camp Morale Patch
Särmä Winter Camp Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Särmä TST Tactical Medic Morale Patch, Subdued Särmä TST Tactical Medic Morale Patch, Black
Särmä TST Tactical Medic Morale Patch
Särmä TST Tactical Medic Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
 Särmä TST Uusimaa Republic Morale Patch
Särmä TST Uusimaa Republic Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Särmä TST Perkele Morale Patch
Särmä TST Perkele Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock. Sold 4 in the last two weeks.
Särmä TST K9 Morale Patch
Särmä TST K9 Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Namaslay support patch, PVC
Namaslay support patch, PVC
7.99 USD
Now available. Discontinued product.
Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch, RK 95 TP Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch, RK 62 M2 Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch, RK 62 Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch, Suomi KP/-31
Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch
Särmä TST FDF Armory PVC Morale Patch
6.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.
Särmä TST "Ohi On" Morale Patch, 165 Särmä TST "Ohi On" Morale Patch, 255
Särmä TST Ohi On Morale Patch
Särmä TST "Ohi On" Morale Patch
1.99 USD 4.99 USD
Now available. Discontinued product. Sold 6 in the last two weeks.
Särmä Bushcraft Morale Patch
Särmä Bushcraft Morale Patch
4.99 USD
Temporarily out of stock.

When you slap one of these awesome morale patches on your sleeve, backpack, or baseball cap, your morale will definitely get a nice boost. Originally a military thing but also perfectly suited for lifting your spirits on the battlefields of everyday life. Quick and easy to attach with hook and loop.


Morale patches are often colorful patches worn mostly on the sleeve, containing a humorous image and/or slogan. Their history is closely tied to the military world. Throughout the ages, troops have had the desire to differentiate themselves from the enemy for obvious reasons. Prior to WWI, the British army had identifiers that they called battle patches. However, the actual morale-boosting patches were born during World War I in the USA. Style-wise morale patches have always had a very strong connection with airplane nose art.

From the military, the moral patch concept spread to law enforcement agencies and also to civilian use. Metalheads and punk rockers have been really embracing this idea, and the denim vests of the heavy metal crowd covered in patches were the fashion item number one in the 80s. However, nowadays you can see these on all sorts of people. Which is nice, because they do add some color and personal touch to your outfit.


These velcro patches are easy to use. You can slap these hook thingies on anything that has a suitable loop surface. No need to prick yourself with a needle or ask your mom to sew the patches on for you. You can also switch the patches as often as you like without having a nervous breakdown.

We have quite a bunch of morale patch friendly products. Check out, for example, these popular ones Särmä Merino Wool Hoodie and Särmä Large Assault Pack.
