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Särmä Jump Boots
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots. A well-worn but maintained pair pictured. These boots age like wine.
A well-worn but maintained pair pictured. These boots age like wine.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.

Särmä Jump Boots

Price 149.99 - 186.99 USD 186.99 USD excluding sales tax

No-nonsense high-shaft combat boots made in Estonia to our specs. These are much like the US Army jump boots from WWII with a modern sole construction. These aren't just for show but are made for real use. Available in black and brown.

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Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots. A well-worn but maintained pair pictured. These boots age like wine.
Särmä Jump Boots.
Särmä Jump Boots.

No-nonsense high-shaft combat boots made in Estonia to our specs. These are much like the US Army jump boots from WWII with a modern sole construction. These aren't just for show but are made for real use. Available in black and brown.

The production of Särmä Jump Boots and Särmä Ankle Boots has stopped temporarily because the current factory cannot manufacture them anymore. We are scouting for a new factory in Finland and other countries nearby. Please request a restock notification, and Skynet will tell you when we have them again.

No need to try to reinvent the wheel when you already have something as cool as this, taken straight from the books of history. What separates our jump boots from the many other modern offerings is the amazing lack of useless features on them: no zippers or polyester padding, paper-thin leather, or a pre-worn look. These are honest classic boots. To keep the cost reasonable, these do have a glued-on sole, which does the job well. These are way above similarly priced fashion boots in the same price range.

Made in Estonia (EU), just South of Finland.


Apart from the modern sole, the whole boot is modeled after the classic US jump boot from WWII. This means the general construction is pretty damn solid. Reinforced toe box construction, but no safety features.

Thanks to the solid construction and grippy sole, these can actually be used outside city limits. For those looking for a traditional unlined leather boot for outdoor use, this might be the ticket. When you get back to town, just polish them up before hitting the pub.

The upper is made of colored smooth leather, the kind that actually soaks in polish and grease. It'll get a nice patina in use and will last a long time. The leather gets more supple with use! No lining or membranes whatsoever; these dry faster, and you can regulate warmth with your sock choices.

As a 12-hole model, the shaft of these boots is a bit taller than usual, but not exaggerated. The tongue is gusseted at the sides so with enough grease and polish, these can keep your socks dry through ankle-deep puddles.

Glued on rubber sole with grippy tread pattern. Probably not the gentlemanliest one out there, but very practical. The sole has no specific cushioning added, but the material does absorb shocks quite well.

Cushion insoles included. These are pretty much the same as on the Norwegian M77 combat boots, which come from the same factory.

Natural Properties

Being mainly hand-crafted from a real animal, these might have occasional little signs of the manufacturing process and/or natural imperfections. These have not been covered with polyurethane coatings or such, and will blend in as the boots get some kilometers behind them.

The organic nature of leather means these may stain light-colored and white socks. You can easily avoid this by using dark socks – the only kind we sell in any case. In case you think we're pulling your leg, have a look here to see for yourself.

Size info

Sizes in the standard French/EU system. The last is about "regular" which fits most feet. Initially tight leather will fit much better once broken in.

Below is a chart with the size conversions and footbed/insole lengths for each size. Remember to leave AT LEAST 10 mm / 0.4" clearance for your toes!

Sizing Insole Length
EU Sizes UK Sizes US Sizes Metric Units Imperial Units
36 UK 4.0 US 5.0 236 mm 9.3"
37 UK 4.5 US 5.5 242 mm 9.5"
38 UK 5.5 US 6.5 248 mm 9.8"
39 UK 6.0 US 7.0 255 mm 10.0"
40 UK 7.0 US 8.0 262 mm 10.3"
41 UK 8.0 US 9.0 268 mm 10.6"
42 UK 8.5 US 9.5 276 mm 10.9"
43 UK 9.5 US 10.5 282 mm 11.1"
44 UK 10.0 US 11.0 288 mm 11.3"
45 UK 11.0 US 12.0 295 mm 11.6"
46 UK 11.5 US 12.5 300 mm 11.8"
47 UK 12.5 US 13.5 307 mm 12.1"

Kierto Circular Economy

Return this product used but clean and unbroken, and you'll receive half of the product's original price as Varusteleka credits. Service is available only in Finland. Only Registered users can make Kierto returns. See more information about Kierto.

Carbon Footprint

The estimated amount of greenhouse gas emissions from the production of one single item is 42.82 kg CO2e. The estimation includes the entire production of the item, from the raw materials up until the finalized product exiting the factory. Read more about the calculation method.

Varusteleka Särmä

Särmä is our own brand of clothing and equipment. When you buy Särmä, you get purpose-built stuff at a decent price. They will serve their purpose well in outdoor and everyday use and won't cost you an arm and a leg! For further reading, check out the Varusteleka's Särmä page.

Särmä products are covered by a 12-month warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. For further information, please read our detailed warranty guide.

All products: Särmä


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10.10.2017 ⚠ Unverified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Ajoin kengät fiksusti sisään kahdeksan tunnin kävely- ja seisontatyövuorossa, seurauksena reilu 10 rakkulaa. Rakkuloiden parannuttua ja kenkien pehmettyä nämä ovat kuitenkin olleet käytössä mukavimmat kengät mitä olen koskaan omistanut (crocsit ja uggit vaviskaa). Kengät olleet päivittäisessä käytössä niin toimistolla, sienimetsällä kuin ns. kenttähommissakin nyt 2,5 kuukautta. Kengissä käytetty nahka on paksua ja tasaisen laadukkaan oloista enkä ole saanut pintaa rikki vaikka vaihtelevissa maastoissa ja sääolosuhteissa on pistetty menemään ja ikävänä tapana kompuroida omiin jalkoihin ja kaiken maailman kiveyksiin.

Käyttömukavuuden lisäksi nämä ovat mielestäni kauniit ja omalla rosoisella tavallaan sopivan naisellisetkin verrattuna moniin muihin maihareihin. Eivät hiosta sisähommissakaan ja pitävät vettä aivan kuten luvattiin. Ei ole vetoketjuja heikkona lenkkinä, vaikka pukeminen ilman niitä vähän hitaampaa onkin. Vaikuttavat tähän mennessä kaikin puolin laadukkailta. Jos selviytyvät vielä liukkaista talvikeleistä ja kestävät kohtuullisen ajan käytössä, on tämä kenkä sellainen, joka tulee varmasti hankittua toisenkin kerran.

Edit 27.07.19. Noin 1,5 vuoden käytön jälkeen pohjat kuluivat puhki niin, että vesi tulee sisään, eli ovat täynnä pieniä "hiusmurtumia" päkiöiden kohdalta. Suuri harmistuksen aihe, koska ovat muuten erinomaisessa kunnossa ja todella miellyttävät jalassa. Ovat olleet lähes päivittäisessä käytössä nyt parisen vuotta, edelleen siis käytössä kuivalla kelillä.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

29.12.2017 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Hankin nämä papillisiksi työkengiksi ja ovat nyt nähneet yli vuoden käyttöä erilaisissa kirkollisissa toimituksissa. Kengät ovat laadukkaat ja niillä on kiva talsia, seisoskella ja toimittaa papin tehtäviä, mutta:
-Nauhat ovat liian lyhyet jos särmäät housunlahkeesi kengän sisälle (työkäytössä toki puvun housut tulevat päälle, mutta entä rokatessa!)
-Pohjalliset ovat parhaimmillaankin välttävät, vuoden käytön jälkeen alkavat olla vaihtokunnossa. Pohjalliset eivät ole kovinkaan tukevat.
-Nahka ei vaikuta kovin kovalta ja siihen tulee helposti jälkiä ja naarmuja, verrattuna halvempiin Miltecin (vanhan mallin) kenkiin, aika harmillista tässä käytössä.

Saa nähdä, miten pärjäävät kilpailussa tähän asti pisimpään palvelleita nahkavarsikenkiä, Miltecin Para-maihareita ,vastaan (4v näkivät aktiivikäyttöä lankaten ja harjaten). Edellä mainittuja moitteita lukuunottamatta olen tyytyväinen hankintaani. Näistä ei tule vesi/lumi haasteellisissa oloissa sukkaan, talvella mahtuu villasukkaa eikä tuuli tuiverra varpahissa, eikä kesällä itikat pistä nilkkaan. Hyvät kengät työhön ja hupiin!
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

04.01.2018 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Ihan oikeasti komeat ja järkevästi suunnitellut maiharit, kiitosta myös mittavasta kokovalikoimasta. Kovin kapeajalkainen voi kuitenkin oman harkintansa mukaan haluta uhrata vedenpitävyyden ja irrottaa kielen reunoiltaan kengästä, sillä leveää nahkailttiä on pehmennysyrityksistä huolimatta puolimahdotonta saada taittumaan siististi ja mukavasti kapean jalan ympärille. Enpä tosin tiedä onko tätä ongelmaa 40:tä pienemmissä koissa vai kapenevatko iltit kokojen mukaan.
Rakkojakaan ei tullut, mutta ilman villasukkia en vuorettomia nahkakenkiä muutenkaan jalkaan pistäisi. Kesällä ohuemmat ja talvella paksummat/useammat niin hyvä tulee, ei ole vielä varpaita palellut.

Ainoa negatiivinen kokemus oli kun toisesta kengästä alkoi vajaan kuukauden käytön jälkeen purkautumaan ompeleita, mikä vähän tällä hinnalla kirpaisi. Päätin kuitenkin jättää reklamoimatta koska korjaamiseen löytyi välineet omasta takaa ja uskoin vahvasti kyseessä olleen vain yksittäisen valmistusvian. Ja sellaiseksi se tuntuu jääneenkin, mitään muuta vikaa ei ole korjauksen jälkeen tullut vastaan.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

12.01.2018 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Hyvät on. Varoituksen sana kuitenkin heille, jotka aikovat käyttää näitä sivistyksen parissa. Jättävät meinaan aikamoisia mustia jälkiä pehmeän pohjan ansiosta..
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.02.2018 ⚠ Unverified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Three and a half stars
I would not recommend to a friend

05.03.2018 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
EDIT: This review applies to the pre-amended version of these boots. I have yet to try the version with enhanced sole.

I bought two pairs of these boots, one of these "jump boots" varieties for myself, and one of the shorts "ankle boots" for my girlfriend. I want to give them a positive review because I think the overall construction quality is pretty high, but like many other reviews here, I have to detract points for the sole, which seems to erode without much abuse. I own three pairs of boots, and of those three, these are probably worn the least, and yet they display the most wear out of all the pairs I own. My girlfriend's pair, which is worn more Frequently than my own, is showing much more wear on the heel. The boot itself is pretty comfortable, and the leather is soft and supple. It did not take too long to break in, and now they fit nicely to my skinny rodent feet. Really, not uncomfortable boots. They look pretty good,

I can not recommend them for the reason that the Sole is not as hard wearing as I would expect from a pair of boots at this price. Everything else I'm happy to sing praises about, except for this feature, which is important to me. If they released an updated version with a new Sole, I would potentially consider those Worthwhile boots to own.

I would advise those wanting a Harder wearing boot in a similar style but instead consider the Norwegian m77 boots also currently available on this site.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

01.07.2018 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Ostin kengät noin kolme vuotta sitten, ja ehdottomasti sisäänkävelyn jälkeen varsin mukavat kengät. Käytin myös keväällä yhdellä MPK:n kurssilla kosteissa olosuhteissa (tarkoittaen siis sadetta ja ojien sekä purojen ylitystä), eivätkä koivet erityisemmin kostuneet. Voin suositella.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

15.09.2018 Verified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Great product fits well with two thick pairs of socks. It's not stiff to wear in the beginning they feel amazing. Only thing is the rubber seems thin on the bottom so im worried putting these through heavy use. But overall great product.
8 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Three and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

05.10.2018 ⚠ Unverified purchase
⚠ The product has received a new and improved batch after this review. This review might contain obsolete information.
Sisäänkävelyn jälkeen erinomaiset kengät. Pohja kuluu turhan nopeasti.
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James G. 10.02.2021
Boots similar to these jump boots but with sewed on replaceable soles easily sell for 250 to 500 dollars. These company also charge around 95 dollars to mail in your boots to get a new sole.

If you could make a version of these boots with sewed on soles with a price of around 200 dollars or so I bet you would find a customer base here in the US. I for one would consider getting a pair.
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Arian W. 02.10.2021
I would love to get a pair but unfortunately iam a size 48 or 310. As is so often the case us big dudes are unfortunately excluded from the good stuff. Please ad another size, 48 is not so crazy and i would even pay extra for it if i had to.
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Christoph J. 17.10.2022
Same with the sizes for me. I also have pretty large feet and usually wear either 48 or 49.
This is especially frustrating since these boots did come in these sizes, I have a pair right in front of me that I would love to replace with a new one...
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Paolo C. 20.01.2023
I got the Norwegian M77 boots in 42 because I do not live in sub-polar climates, and - thankfully - I got a perfect fit. I normally wear 43.5/44. Should I downsize with these as well in case I wanted to get them, or are they more or less true to standard? According to foot measurement + toe allowance I should get a 43, but I dont know how much extra room is given for socks.
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Marko L. 21.04.2023
Pohjarakenne ei ole kyllä modernia nähnytkään. Ihan on kuin puukengillä kävelis.
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Dylan C. 04.02.2024
Since you're looking for a new factory anyway, I think some design changes, namely having the eyelets made out of brass or some other material that won't rust and having stitched soles would be worth considering.

The eyelets being made of a material prone to rusting limits their use as a winter boot, significantly reducing their overall versatility as a leather boot.

There are other brands of boot that already offer goodyear welted sole combat boots, that although accordlingly more expensive (not always actually, a few are about the same price) add to the lifetime of the boot by being repairable; an extra cost I'd be more than happy to pay.

These two concerns are the main things that have prevented me from purchasing a pair of these stylish boots from a company whose quality I otherwise trust.
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Alexander V. 08.09.2024
In regards to finding a new partner; have you considered Jim Green? They're South African (so not really local, but also not China), and often team up with other companies to produce large numbers of (semi-)custom boots. They have very reasonable prices and they use stitchdown construction, which allows for resoling.
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Varusteleka employee 10.09.2024
Hi! Thank you for the suggestion, we will look into it!
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