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Icer's Spare Studs
Icer's Spare Studs. The package has 36 this kind of spare studs.
The package has 36 this kind of spare studs.
Icer's Spare Studs. The package has 36 spare studs.
The package has 36 spare studs.
Icer's Spare Studs. The studs are meant for these Icer's anti-skid soles. The package only contains the studs, not the soles.
The studs are meant for these Icer's anti-skid soles. The package only contains the studs, not the soles.

Icer's Spare Studs

Price 8.99 USD excluding sales tax

Reliable studs that stay hard all the time. To be precise, 36 replacement studs for Icer's Anti-Skid Safety Soles. Enough for replacing all the studs on one pair plus two extras. If you like the stuff you use to have a long service life and that you can maintain them, these are for you.

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Icer's Spare Studs. The package has 36 this kind of spare studs.
Icer's Spare Studs. The package has 36 spare studs.
Icer's Spare Studs. The studs are meant for these Icer's anti-skid soles. The package only contains the studs, not the soles.

Reliable studs that stay hard all the time. To be precise, 36 replacement studs for Icer's Anti-Skid Safety Soles. Enough for replacing all the studs on one pair plus two extras. If you like the stuff you use to have a long service life and that you can maintain them, these are for you.


Just like all screw-on things, the studs on anti-skid soles can also start to come off in long-term use. Check regularly that you don’t have any screws loose. If you still lose a stud, just replace it with one of these. They can also wear out if you walk a lot, especially on hard surfaces. Worn down studs don’t protect you that well from slippery slopes, so exchange them when necessary.

The bag of studs weighs c. 60 grams (2.1 oz). Put then on using a flat head screwdriver.

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06.11.2022 Verified purchase
i dont own the actual thingd these go in, instead i screw them straight into my winter boots rubber soles, pre drill and use some hardcore glue that stays q bit flexible. Just keep the boots for outdoors only, wood floors will hate you. For the best result screw them in between the boots thread and sand down the boots tjread ubtil its level with the studs
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Robert Z. 16.11.2023
I am on my sixth winter with the Icers Anti-Skid soles and I have never had a stud unscrew and fall out. The do wear down and need replacement though so buy these replacement studs.
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