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Tacticaltrim G-Hook
Tacticaltrim G-Hook .
Tacticaltrim G-Hook .
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Simple and idiot-proof "mechanism".
Simple and idiot-proof "mechanism".
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Hooks onto almost anything with ease.
Hooks onto almost anything with ease.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . The G-Hooks can be used to replace or repair backpack compression straps, as an example.
The G-Hooks can be used to replace or repair backpack compression straps, as an example.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . You can use G-hooks as replacements for standard plastic SR buckles. The end result is a little bit slower to use, but very low profile and totally bombproof!
You can use G-hooks as replacements for standard plastic SR buckles. The end result is a little bit slower to use, but very low profile and totally bombproof!
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Visually, the G-hook is suitable to make opening and closing an old bag much faster.
Visually, the G-hook is suitable to make opening and closing an old bag much faster.

Tacticaltrim G-Hook

Price 3.99 USD excluding sales tax

A super simple, super reliable option for attaching any 25 mm (1") strap onto PALS-webbing or a webbing loop. The G-Hook is a stamped steel glide buckle with a hook, extremely low profile and silent too!

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Tacticaltrim G-Hook .
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Simple and idiot-proof "mechanism".
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Hooks onto almost anything with ease.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Shown with the Särmä TST Modular Beavertail and CP10 Mini Combat Pack.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . The G-Hooks can be used to replace or repair backpack compression straps, as an example.
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . You can use G-hooks as replacements for standard plastic SR buckles. The end result is a little bit slower to use, but very low profile and totally bombproof!
Tacticaltrim G-Hook . Visually, the G-hook is suitable to make opening and closing an old bag much faster.

A super simple, super reliable option for attaching any 25 mm (1") strap onto PALS-webbing or a webbing loop. The G-Hook is a stamped steel glide buckle with a hook, extremely low profile and silent too!

Made by Tacticaltrim

Tacticaltrim is a German company specializing in the import and distribution of tactical specialty buckles and accessories. When the demand for G-hooks in Europe grew beyond the capacity of ITW Waterbury Tacticaltrim decided to take matters into their own hands, this led to the production of these German-made high-quality G-hooks.

All products: Tacticaltrim


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Suomi Suomi (9)
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Five stars
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20.11.2017 Verified purchase
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.11.2017 Verified purchase
Näppärä hihnoihin jos haluaa lähes hajoamattoman soljen.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

23.01.2018 Verified purchase
Näpsäkkä solki vaikka irtohihnoihin, esimerkiksi jos tarvitsee kiinnittää vaakaan kulkevaan PALS-kujastoon tavaraa pystysuuntaan ilman ylimääräisiä apuremmejä. Tässä mielessä myös suhteellisen "nopea", mikäli hihnan kokonaan irrottamisen on oltava näppärää: ei vaadi lenkeistä läpi pujottelua (tavallinen hihna) eikä solkien läpi mutkien tekemistä (esim. Särmä modulaarinen hihna).

(Tai jos Douchebag sanoo mitään suksipussina, niin näillä voi tehdä oman ko. valmistajan "integroidun" kiinnitysjärjestelmän korvikkeen kunnon repulle..)
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

20.06.2019 Verified purchase
Busted a flimsy plastic fitting on an otherwise nice French F2 pack. Ostensibly there was no way to replace it, but I had one of these handy. One minute later, problem solved permanently.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

24.08.2019 Verified purchase
Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

09.10.2019 Verified purchase
Sopii varmasti hyvin nykyaikaisille nylon tms. hihnoille, mutta vanhojen puuvillahihnojen kanssa käyttö ei välttämättä ole kovin sujuvaa. Varsinkin jos hihna on lötkömmästä päästä kuten romanialaisessa leipälaukussa. Hieman myös epäilyttää, että syökö G-hook miten nopeasti pehmeät hihnat ja lenkit. Viimeistely on ihan hyvä, mutta ihan pyöreäkulmaiseksi ei tätä pääse sanomaan. Muuten kyllä oikein asiallisen oloinen tyote.
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Three stars
I would not recommend to a friend

13.01.2020 Verified purchase
Hankala pujottaa väljempäänkään lenkkiin hanskat kädessä ja kiristäminen on kankeaa.
Asensin ahkion vetovyön soljeksi, koska ajattelin, että metallisolki kestäisi muovista paremmin kovaa vetoa kapeassa remmissä. Ahkio tuli pienessä alamäessä ulkokaarteessa eri puolelta tunturikoivua ja nykäisi soljen koukun suoraksi... Muovisolki olisi todennäköisesti vain poksahtanut auki.
4 Like 7 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

23.04.2020 Verified purchase
Perfect example of "Exactly what it says on the tin". Hardcore, steel hardware that fits perfectly on 25 mm webbing. I haven´t actually hung in them, but I probably could. These would survive the apocalypse longer than I would.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

11.11.2020 Verified purchase
High quality item, I replaced the buckles on a Romanian breadbag with these, they work perfectly.
4 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse


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