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Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus. Made in Switzerland by different contractors. SIGG made item pictured.
Made in Switzerland by different contractors. SIGG made item pictured.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.

Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus

Price 17.99 USD 19.99 USD excluding sales tax

The Swiss army three-piece mess kit is surprisingly like the usual kidney shaped mess tins, but bigger than usual. You could even cook for two in this! Being used they look a bit scruffy but work just as they should.

  • In stock 65 pcs. Sold 26 pcs in the last two weeks.
  • This product is unlikely to be restocked and will be hidden from our website once it's out of stock.
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Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus. Made in Switzerland by different contractors. SIGG made item pictured.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.
Swiss Three Piece Mess Kit, Aluminum, Surplus.

The Swiss army three-piece mess kit is surprisingly like the usual kidney shaped mess tins, but bigger than usual. You could even cook for two in this! Being used they look a bit scruffy but work just as they should.

Comprises of a large pot with a smaller lid with a folding handle. A smaller pot is hidden between these. The steel wire carrying handle can be used to hang the mess kit over a flame for some traditional outdoor cooking. All three pieces can also be carried together when separated - a feature most useful in chow queues, but might also bring a smile to the outdoorsman's face. Naturally, the pot has a large enough bottom to be used with any field stove too.

Being made of aluminium these are quite light and will not rust. Weight 500 grams (17.6 oz.), outside dimensions 19 x 20 x 10,5 cm (7.5" x 7.9" x 4.1").

Used Swiss surplus

In used, but good serviceable condition. Of course, being what they are, the outside appearance might be rough, but this doesn't hinder its use in any way. Of course, we suggest washing before use.

Made in Switzerland and extremely well, naturally.

All products: Switzerland


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Suomi Suomi (9)
English English (23)
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

30.04.2020 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Having carried this for a good part of my military service, I can say it is seriously solid piece of kit. It has plenty space to carry ingredients for whatever you intend to cook in the field and I'd say, it's the piece of kit I've maintained best after my rifle. One I was issued at one point looked worse than the one in the photo (and may be in a bin in Helsinki for that reason now).
Shame the insert isn't available though. If you get one, do check back here regularly or look around for one, they make a world of difference in versatility of the thing.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

31.05.2020 Verified purchase
Hyvä pakki on. Hinta on korkeampi kuin esim. unkarilaisilla pakeilla, mutta ollen kokonaan alumiinia ei ole huolta ruostumisesta ja kunto on ylipäätään hyvä. Omassa oli kahva vääntynyt sen verran ettei pysyny kiinni, mutta muutama napautus vasaralla korjaa ongelman. Vähän isompi tilavuus helpottaa ruoanlaittoa mukavasti.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

25.06.2020 Verified purchase
While the outside looks like the mess kit has seen better days, do not let that deceive you. It is just the paint flaking off. The interior of mine looked clean and very good condition. The large pot will hold 2 liters and the lid will hold about 600m (of water). Mine was made by SIG, 1980. Hope to someday have the insert for it. I would concur that this is a seriously solid piece of kit. If you are looking for a mess kit of this type, it is a must buy item.

Update Jan 5, 22: I was relucent to buy a second mess kit, just to have one with the inner pot, but ordered one anyway to have a complete set. I made a good call. Overall condition is excellent with minimal signs of usage. In better condition than what is shown in the above photos - no painting flaking. Date on it is 94. Get one of these now while they have them in stock.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

08.07.2020 ⚠ Unverified purchase
I managed to get one of these a few weeks ago from a swiss friend who served in the army. Mine had the insert so i definitely hit the jackpot. Mix & match. The Pot was dated '83 the middle insert '97 and the lid was dated '08. Larger than your typical German or East bloc messkit.actually good for two persons.Swiss quality all the way!!! Will last a lifetime and then some.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

24.07.2020 Verified purchase
Fantastic product!
After a very long wait for shipping, my mess kit finally arrived and I have to say, I couldn't be happier. The paint condition is better than I expected and the whole kit is in really great shape. It's larger than I expected however the Swiss mess kits are larger than others. I plan on using it as a lunch box for work. I love this little mess kit.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

26.08.2020 Verified purchase
Kaikki linkkuveitsi- tai rannekello-ostoksilla olleet tietävät että teksti "Swiss Made" tarkoittaa että on tullut hankittua laatutavaraa. Omassa pakissani pohjasta löytyy merkintä SIGG 87 ja kannesta SIGG 83. SIGG on siis sveitsiläinen valmistaja ja maalaisjärjen mukaan numerot kertovat valmistusvuoden. Pakissa on muuten lyöty kuperaan pintaan 0,5 litran välein merkki ja pakki vetää piripintaan täytettynä kunnioitettavat 2 litraa, kanteen menee puoli litraa tavaraa. Oma yksilöni on kuvan mukaan menettänyt osan mustasta suojamaalista mutta sehän vain lisää varusteen uskottavuutta. Pientä hankausjälkeä on pakin sisällä pohjassa nähtävissä, olisiko Sveitsin solttupojalla palanut fondue pohjaan? Muutoin pakista on havaittavissa hyvin vähäinen käyttö, lienee seissyt pari vuosikymmentä varastossa. Pakkiin mahtuu muuten hyvin sisään Savotan Big Bad Stove tai vastaavan kokoinen risukeitin ja vaikkapa kuivaa sytykettä ja polttopuuta.
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Three stars
I would not recommend to a friend

22.11.2020 Verified purchase
It's tall. It's aluminum. Half the black paint has flaked off already, and the other half seems to flake off just by staring at it. I don't know if the paint is important, but I don't expect it'll stick around for long even with minimal use. Hey, it's not a beauty pageant out in the bush, so I'm not devastated, but I'd look elsewhere if you're also thinking about getting a random mess kit.
5 Like 24 Dislike Report abuse
Three and a half stars
I would not recommend to a friend

18.02.2021 Verified purchase
Rougher than I was expecting. Every time I look at it more of the paint falls off and mine had a couple of good dings in the bottom. Not a huge deal. I'll just have to take some steel wool or sand paper to it to get the rest of it off.

I do feel they should sell for cheaper because of the condition as the brand new BW made in China ones are about the same price and I know some Russian websites that sell the RUS version brand new for roughly 30% less than this one.

BUT as it states in the description, "Used but serviceable" which it is.
4 Like 6 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

25.09.2021 Verified purchase
as counterpoint to some of the reviews; mine is in very nice shape with most (albeit not all) of the paint remaining.

Yes, the paint seems to be flaking a bit. I'll probably live. Plus, I don't plan on ingesting any mysterious Swiss paint chips as the kit will be destined for holding non-potable gear.

Insofar as quality of the item itself, paint aside, it seems extremely durable and better made than any of my comparator mess kits. It'll probably last forever, and have a few paintjobs over the century.
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Sami K. 02.05.2020
Olisi hienoa saada pari kuvaa, jossa tämä olisi kuvattu rinnatusten jonkun tavallisen pakin kanssa (esim. BW-pakin), jotta pystyisi hahmottamaan sen kokoeron helpommin kuin pelkkien mittojen avulla.
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Seth B. 24.10.2020
Does this fit inside a swedish M/40 stove?
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Ashley S. 12.01.2021
Guys, will this fit into the swiss black wind sheild that fits over the meths burner

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GEORGIOS M. 24.09.2021
Unfortunately it doesnt.The swiss mess kit is bigger than the swedish or the german one..
Try the hungarian mess kit.It fits.
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Jaakko P. 04.02.2021
Pakki on leveydeltään, syvyydeltään ja korkeudeltaan noin 1 cm enemmän kuin perus-pakkimme joka kai alunperin on saksalaista mallia. Vain 1cm lisäys joka suuntaan pakin vetävyys lähes tuplaantuu. Piripintaan täytettynä tämä Sveitsin armeijan pakki ottaa sisäänsä 2 litraa. Miksi sveitsiläiset päättivät tehdä pakistaan isomman, voimme vain arvailla. Pakin hyviä puolia on että sillä voi kantaa kaksi litraa vettä ja valmistaa ruoan helpommin ilman ylikuohumista. Teräksinen kantokahva on hyvä olla olemassa monessakin mielessä, jos pakilla vaikka kantaa vettä tai roikottelee sitä nuotion yllä. Kyseinen kahva tosin on kai kaikissa ns. Saksan malleissa. Vaikka kokoa on xl verrattuna tavanomaiseen, painoa on vain 185g vrt. Saksan uudistuotantomalli 220g joka on siis huomattavasti pienempi. Mutta tämä on vain nippelitietoa, ei kukaan kevytretkeilijä muutenkaan kanna pakkia mukanaan.
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Jaakko P. 24.08.2022
Pahoitteluni kaikille disinformaation levittämisestä pakin painon suhteen. Omani on 2-osainen, siis pakki ja kansi se myös myytiin 2-osaisena. Painoa 430g.
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Anon 16.10.2021
Could someone confirm that this whole kit is 185 grams as stated? Comparable design german kits are twice as heavy, this looks rather strange
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Erik O. 19.10.2021
It's not that light, i have no idea why they state it's 185. The lid is ~160g, the internal cup is ~85g and the whole kit is ~550g
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Heikki L. 26.10.2021
Ensimmäisen tilaamani pakin kansi oli tiukka kuin "Scotsman's asshole" ( eng. sanonta, excuse my language); eikä auennut kuin väkivalloin. Palautetun tilalle sain nopeasti uuden veroisen ja hyvin toimivan pakin. Paketissa oli ylimääräisinå rasia Scho-ka-kolaa ja pakin sisällä lusikka / haarukka- yhdistelmä. Näistä monet kiitokset Varustelekalle. Asiakaspalvelunne on aina ollut ensiluokkaista.
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Jack M. 12.01.2022
Are all three pieces included or is it luck of the draw?
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Edoardo F. 29.01.2023
Mine got 3 pieces
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