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Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The kit includes the aluminum windshield/stove stand, brass spirit burner, and a plastic fuel bottle.
The kit includes the aluminum windshield/stove stand, brass spirit burner, and a plastic fuel bottle.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. Fold the legs up and put the mess tin on top of them for heating.
Fold the legs up and put the mess tin on top of them for heating.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The lid has an O-ring, so the fuel shouldn't leak but it is still good to keep the burner in a plastic bag.
The lid has an O-ring, so the fuel shouldn't leak but it is still good to keep the burner in a plastic bag.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The fuel bottle is empty and is meant for the alcohol that you don't drink.
The fuel bottle is empty and is meant for the alcohol that you don't drink.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. From the left Swiss, Romanian, and Austrian mess kit on top of the stove stand.
From the left Swiss, Romanian, and Austrian mess kit on top of the stove stand.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Romanian mess kit boldly goes far down to the bottom.
The Romanian mess kit boldly goes far down to the bottom.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Austrian mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
The Austrian mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Swiss mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
The Swiss mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. At least Svea has made these, but this batch can also include burners made by Trangia.
At least Svea has made these, but this batch can also include burners made by Trangia.

Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus

Price 12.99 USD excluding sales tax

In case you were wondering, this is a streamlined version of the 5-piece mess kit. You get the spirit burner, windshield/stove stand, and the plastic fuel bottle without the two-piece mess tin. They will turn your kit into an affordable but reliable camping stove. In addition to the svenska talande ones, they also collaborate with some other mess tins. Read further and be enlightened.

  • In stock 40 pcs. Sold 35 pcs in the last two weeks.
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Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The kit includes the aluminum windshield/stove stand, brass spirit burner, and a plastic fuel bottle.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. Fold the legs up and put the mess tin on top of them for heating.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The lid has an O-ring, so the fuel shouldn't leak but it is still good to keep the burner in a plastic bag.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The fuel bottle is empty and is meant for the alcohol that you don't drink.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. From the left Swiss, Romanian, and Austrian mess kit on top of the stove stand.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Romanian mess kit boldly goes far down to the bottom.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Austrian mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. The Swiss mess kit won't go in completely but far enough to be carried.
Swedish Mess Kit without the Mess Kit, Surplus. At least Svea has made these, but this batch can also include burners made by Trangia.

In case you were wondering, this is a streamlined version of the 5-piece mess kit. You get the spirit burner, windshield/stove stand, and the plastic fuel bottle without the two-piece mess tin. They will turn your kit into an affordable but reliable camping stove. In addition to the svenska talande ones, they also collaborate with some other mess tins. Read further and be enlightened.


The Swedish army has very spiffy gear. The near legendary 5-piece mess kit has been in use for decades, the material has just changed from steel to aluminum. This is a streamlined version of the kit without the oval-shaped cooking vessels.

Inside you will find the spirit stove by Svea (or possibly Trangia). They are both made according to military specs and equally good, but can have some minor visual differences. The stove is pretty similar to the civilian Trangia stove but bigger. You can fit about twice as much fuel and it is more difficult to tip over. Additionally, you get a well ventilated aluminum windshield/stove stand that is painted black. Inside it there are foldable legs on top of which you set the mess tin when you want to cook something in it. For transportation, they fold down, and the tin slides down to the bottom. Finally, there is also a handy (and empty) plastic bottle for the stove spirit (the fuel, not the djinn).

Size info

  • Total weight (bottle empty): c. 320 g (11.3 oz)
  • Burner measurements: c. 9 x 5 cm (3.5" x 2")
  • Windshield measurements (l, w, h): c. 17 x 11.5 x 14 cm (6.7" x 4.5" x 5.5")
  • Fuel bottle measurements (l, w, h): 8 x 3.6 x 15 cm (3.1" x 1.4" x 5.9")

The windshield is made to work together with the oval Swedish mess tin. If you have one of those, you are good to go. We also tested how these work with the mess kits that we currently have (Austrian, Romanian, and Swiss). All of them slide onto the cooking legs very nicely. So you can cook grub with all of them fine and dandy. The Romanian also slides fully down to the bottom for transportation. However, the other two won't go as far down due to their somewhat different carrying handle attachment. Check out the pics to see it better.


Swedish military surplus. Some of them are as good as new. Some have scratches, small dents, and other signs of time. All the ones we checked had not seen any cooking. All perfectly serviceable in any case. Bomb-proof military gear that will feed even your grandchildren.

All products: Sweden


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02.06.2023 Verified purchase
Kotimainen pakki ja moni muukin mahtuu keittoasentoon (siis ylhäällä jalkojen varassa), mutta ei mahdu kokonaan tuulensuojan sisään eli pakkautuu huonosti.
Ruotsalaisten ovaalinmuotoisen pakin kanssa loistava vehje, ollut käytössä reilun pari vuosikymmentä, mukana parissa kertausharjoituksessakin (SA-pakki lensi siviilitavaralaatikkoon perustamispaikalla).

Joku kun tekisi tuosta tuulensuojasta SA-pakki-yhteensopivan, ehkä vielä teräksisenä että kestäisi risukeittelyäkin...
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02.06.2023 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Toimii parhaiten ruotsalaisen pakin kanssa. Ja tälle keittimelle on hyvä olla jokin alusta, esimerkiksi pätkä lautaa. Keittimelle kun keittoalustassa on pohjassa keittimen mentävä reikä, niin keitin asettuu parhaiten kun alla on jokin tukeva ja suora pinta. Jos koettaa laittaa sammalmättäälle keittimen niin saa kyllä tällätä, että keitinosan saa tätä mätästä vasten suoraan ja oikealle korkeudelle. Eli jos ei varmasti ole tiedossa, että keittimen saa retkellä suoralle ja tukevalle pinnalle kannattaa varautua ja ottaa mukaan esimerkiksi laudan tai levyn palanen, jonka sitten voi asettaa esimerkiksi nurmikolle ja keitinhärdellin sen päälle.
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02.07.2023 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Jos joku ei sitä vielä tiedä - ja vaikka joku muuta väittäisi - tämä on maailman paras yhden hengen retkikeittiö. Itsellä käytössä yli 20 vuotta teräksinen versio. Tähti pois tämän setin pakittomuudesta.
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27.09.2023 Verified purchase
Ei tähän kyllä oma sveitsiläinen pakki menny kovinkaan kivuttomasti kuvan mukaisella tavalla pohjaan asti, eli vähän aikaa saa väännellä ja paukutella sopivampaan muotoon.

Pienellä muokkaamisella dremelillä tästä sai kyllä tosi loistavan lisävarusteen pakille, pikkusen leveemmäks kun veistää noita päädyissä olevia lovia että mahtuu menemään pakki syvemmälle, ja etuseinän alareunaan leveä aukko, jotta pakin lukitsemismekanismin saa siitä läpi ja kannen lukittua niin kuin pitääkin.

Poltin toimii todella hyvin ja eikä vuotanut kun korkin laitto kiinni, muutenkin jämäkkää tekoa.
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07.02.2024 Verified purchase
I have been looking for the remainder of the Swedish messkit set for ages, at least an affordable set to go with my stainless steel Swedish tins. I am very pleased with what I have received. The Trangia burner clearly is used but is clean and its gasket feels solid. The spirit bottle is clean and seems lightly used, if used at all. The windscreen has been used and has some wear but is clean and appears entirely serviceable. The Svea windscreen is lighter-weight than I expected (yay!); my only concern is the top edges feel sharp. I will have to arrange a canvas bag to save wear on my rucks. I am *really* looking forward to getting out in the boreal woods and cooking with it.
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09.08.2024 Verified purchase
Ostin SWAT-teamista kaveriksi ruotsalaisen pakin, jonka kanssa pelittää kuin junan vessa.
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