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Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.

Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors

Price 285.99 USD excluding sales tax

Sordin Supreme Pro-X earmuffs with SordinHEAR2™ audio profiles! These are proper high-quality active hearing protectors – Sordin is a well-known name in the industry and among sport shooters and LE/MIL personnel alike. Great sound quality, shockproof and waterproof, perfect for any hell you might want to drag these through. This is the headband model with a LED light.

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Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.
Sordin Supreme Pro-X LED Gel Hearing Protectors.

Sordin Supreme Pro-X earmuffs with SordinHEAR2™ audio profiles! These are proper high-quality active hearing protectors – Sordin is a well-known name in the industry and among sport shooters and LE/MIL personnel alike. Great sound quality, shockproof and waterproof, perfect for any hell you might want to drag these through. This is the headband model with a LED light.

The LED model, as the name implies, has a front-facing light recessed into the left side hinge. This is as small and lightweight as you can get with a headlamp if you're already wearing the earmuffs. This model also has gel cushions already installed for greater comfort and better fitment!


While normal ear defenders generally get the job done, active electronic ones have one major advantage: you don't have to yell to communicate, provided everyone else has similar protectors. They can also give you superhuman hearing capabilities while on the hunt or in other similar activities where you might want to observe someone before they observe you.

This model is the top of the line:

  • The "X" model is waterproof (IP67) – however, we do not recommend diving with these
  • Sound via the speakers is limited to no louder than 82 dB
  • Works with two standard AAA-batteries (included), battery life up to 400 hours
  • 5 volume levels
  • 3.5 mm AUX mono input
  • LED light which automatically shuts off after three minutes
  • Headbands:
    • Camo: Removable and washable headband cover
    • Black: Leather, not removable
  • Gel cushion cup rings
  • Adjustable to fit most head sizes (Medium-Large)
  • Folds into a compact package
  • Weight: 332 g / 11.7 oz.
  • Five-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship
  • Maximum official service life as a protector: 10 years

If you intend to use these at indoor ranges, we recommend using earplugs too. In outdoor use, these are quite enough, provided you aren't operating heavy weaponry.

SordinHEAR2 audio profiles

These audio profiles adjust the active hearing settings in your Sordins. Choose your profile according to your environment, situation, and personal preference. The audio profiles are activated via the power and volume buttons (see quick guides further below).


Hunting is the main audio profile for general purposes. The sound image is optimized for a normal hunting day, balancing clear ambient sound such as speech with comfortable low-noise audio.


Shooting is a comfort profile with lower gain and a narrower audible frequency spectrum. Perfect when normal situational awareness is sufficient, e.g. in shooting training at the range.


In Comms, ambient sound is deactivated and your hearing protector uses passive protection only. However, the 3.5 mm AUX input is active allowing for clear communication even in noisy environments.


Focus is your full-alert profile. It features high amplification and a wider frequency spectrum for highest situational awareness. Use this audio profile if you need to hear approaching roof ninjas or when a deer scat turdicle hits the mossy ground.

Quick guides

Basic functions

Sordin basic functions button scheme

Audio profiles

kaavio Sordinien nappuloista

Made by Sordin

Sordin hearing protectors are designed and manufactured in Sweden.

All products: Sordin


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03.11.2023 ⚠ Unverified purchase
(Camo) On ollut itselläni nyt puolivuotta käytössä ampumaradalla. Voi juma, äänenlaatu on erittäin hyvä. Näillä kuulee hiljaisia ääniä joita ei ole ennen kuullut (ei päänsisällä) , samalla kuin voimakkaat äänet kuuluvat sopivalla tasolla. Lisäksi, nämä eivät paina päätä, vaikka omistankin 62 koon meloonin. Geelityynyt ovat mukavat silmälasienkin kanssa. Hinta saattaa tuntua kovalle, mutta nää on kyllä joka pennin arvoiset.
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