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Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. Daddy's home.
Daddy's home.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. They even got a place for that can of dip.
They even got a place for that can of dip.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. These foot loops will keep your pant legs in order.
These foot loops will keep your pant legs in order.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. You can tie your cuffs with these cords.
You can tie your cuffs with these cords.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. A sturdy button-fly.
A sturdy button-fly.

Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus

Price 27.99 USD excluding sales tax

Here’s a garment made from the material of the gods: A proper good pair of woolen pants just rough enough to exfoliate the excess dead skin from your legs and grow some hair on your chest. When trousers are as practical as this and so hardy yet somehow so pleasing, you shouldn’t wait for a second longer! Reach for the stars, and failing that, these pants.

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Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. Daddy's home.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. They even got a place for that can of dip.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. These foot loops will keep your pant legs in order.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. You can tie your cuffs with these cords.
Romanian Wool Pants, Surplus. A sturdy button-fly.

Here’s a garment made from the material of the gods: A proper good pair of woolen pants just rough enough to exfoliate the excess dead skin from your legs and grow some hair on your chest. When trousers are as practical as this and so hardy yet somehow so pleasing, you shouldn’t wait for a second longer! Reach for the stars, and failing that, these pants.


This kind of woolen fabric would cost an arm and a leg if newly made. It’s a spectacular material for clothing as it can handle some wind and rain and still be warm even when damp. So basically, like a softshell but instead of modern silly-willyness, it’s a good old-fashioned garment designed to take punishment and give some back.

  • Regular side pocket on either side
  • One button-closed back-pocket
  • Belt loops that vary in size
  • Some may have one mysterious larger belt loop at a different level on the backside
  • Adjustment cords and foot loops on the pant legs
  • Button fly

These pants are best in the mid-seasons, so just the thing for hunting and other outdoorsy things when it’s not too warm. When it gets really cold, you should put on some long johns or just grit your teeth and accept that life is pain. They are versatile enough to wear out in public when you want to appear a little savage but civilized enough to hang around the water cooler. The pants also feature a relatively modern cut, so you don’t have to wear them particularly high.

Size info

We got a disorganized heap of these in an esoteric Romanian sizing system. There is some variation even within the sizes for one reason or the other. The sizes are displayed so that after the Romanian designation, there’s first the waistband of the pants and then the length of the pant leg in centimeters. The pant leg has been measured from the crotch seam to the pant leg opening.

Note that within a size, there might be some variation, about 1 centimeter, from the given measurement. So you should purchase a size that will be usable even if it's a tad smaller or has a slightly shorter pant leg.

Materials and care

They're pretty thick. Most likely, at least 75% wool with other fibers, such as human hair, in the mix for durability. You shouldn’t shove these in the washing machine, and normally you won’t need to wash them much. Simply airing them out is enough. If you do need to wash them, handwashing at 30 degrees Celsius (86 F) is the way to go.

Used surplus

There might be a slight smell of moth repellent from years of storage. How intense it is, depends on how sensitive your nose is to the usual surplus smells. It's not the worst we've encountered, and at least you won't get any moths from these.

Many of these pants have had some small repairs done, and some are in a more rough shape than others. At least a few pairs will have the button fly on either side pocket. We don't know why this special Romanian design feature exists, and we don't pick and choose. All pants are in serviceable condition.

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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

07.01.2023 Verified purchase
Really lovely. The fabric is dense and not excessively rough, and the sizing description is pretty accurate. Color does seem to vary though, as the pair I got are more of a pale greenish color. Also, there is a bit of a napthalene (mothball) smell, but not excessive. I wager airing it out and washing it carefully would be able to fix that.
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Five stars
I would not recommend to a friend

12.01.2023 Verified purchase
En voi suositella. Jaa miksiköhän? No siksi vain, koska haluan, että vain minulla on tällaista laatua olevat housut, villasarkahousut! Kokovalinta osui aivan kohdilleen ja tämä kappale ainakin vaikuttaa käyttämättömältä. Sopii siis näköjään naisellekin, jos ei ole kovin leveä takapuoli. Äitini sitten halveksii kaikkea ulkomaalaista vaatetuotantoa, ja kommentteja riittää. On tietysti nähnyt sen ajan, kun täällä tehtiin ja varmaan osattiinkin. Kuulustelu alkaa ja ensimmäinen kysymys on aina, "ja missäs se on mahdettu tehdä"?!! Jos esittelisin nämä jonkun Hämeen villakutomon 70-luvun tekeleenä, josta löytyi vanhaa varastoa ja myytiin netissä, hinta vaikka 105 euroa. Luultavasti alkaisi ylistys: "kyllä on niin napakka kangas, ei mikään lotjake. Ja mikä leikkaus, sopii sulle kuin nakutettu! Ja nää ompeleet, kyllä on hyvää työtä, ei tämmöstä enää mistään saa! Kyllä ennen osattiin. Jukupliut, älä sitten pilaa näitä pesemällä, tuulettaminen riittää! Ei ollut paha hintakaan, eihän tolla hinnalla taida saada farkkujakaan." Jne.
Ai niin sori äiti, mä taisin sekoittaa. Se olikin tää pipo, joka on kudottu suomessa. Voiko äidille tehdä näin?
9 Like 1 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

22.03.2023 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Excellent pair of trousers, my pair smelled of mothballs though as with the other reviewer the smell was not excessive. I don't have experience with wool frieze so the roughness was a little hard to get used to, but after a while I was perfectly comfortable wearing them and the roughness was no longer an issue. I managed to sew buttons into mine for braces however conventional needles may not make it through the fabric easily. Nice heft to them when dry, I haven't managed to soak them yet so I don't know how heavy they would be in that situation.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

24.09.2023 Verified purchase
Ensimmäinen pari osoittautui erinomaisiksi pyhähousuiksi lahkeensuun remmit ja remelit ratkomalla pois. Omat housut lienevät jalkaan tyylikkään tiukkaa kokoa(?), mielestäni leikkaus on kömpelö metsään. Kaikin puolin mainiot ja ajattomat housut, näin hyvänhintaisia SARKAhousuja on suorastaan pakko ostaa varastoon useammat.
Yhden tähden vähennän tarpeettomista jalkaremmeistä ja kapeista vyölenkeistä, n. 3cm. Esim. BW:n nahkainen housuvyö sopii kuin nakutettu mitoiltaan ja mekanismiltaan.
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