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Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. Note the leather reinforcements for the shoulder strap.
Note the leather reinforcements for the shoulder strap.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The strap is nigh indestructible - and adjustable too!
The strap is nigh indestructible - and adjustable too!
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. Traditional slide buckle closure.
Traditional slide buckle closure.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. A peek inside. The space is divided with a simple wall.
A peek inside. The space is divided with a simple wall.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The mouth has an additional strap to keep the package tight.
The mouth has an additional strap to keep the package tight.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The leather attachment points will take most general purpose straps (not included).
The leather attachment points will take most general purpose straps (not included).
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The Plash-palatka rolled on the bag is not included.
The Plash-palatka rolled on the bag is not included.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The metal D-ring can be used for hanging stuff, like your favourite cup.
The metal D-ring can be used for hanging stuff, like your favourite cup.

Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus

Price 23.99 USD excluding sales tax

Let's kick the wannabe-retro stuff off the stage! This old Romanian army breadbag was already obsolete when first introduced sometime in the '70s. Bombproof made of Genuine Materials (TM) which are canvas, metal, and leather!

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    Tacticaltrim G-Hook, black 1 pcs 3.99 USD
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Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. Note the leather reinforcements for the shoulder strap.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The strap is nigh indestructible - and adjustable too!
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. Traditional slide buckle closure.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. A peek inside. The space is divided with a simple wall.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The mouth has an additional strap to keep the package tight.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The leather attachment points will take most general purpose straps (not included).
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The Plash-palatka rolled on the bag is not included.
Romanian Breadbag, Green, Surplus. The metal D-ring can be used for hanging stuff, like your favourite cup.

Let's kick the wannabe-retro stuff off the stage! This old Romanian army breadbag was already obsolete when first introduced sometime in the '70s. Bombproof made of Genuine Materials (TM) which are canvas, metal, and leather!

In short, this is the wet dream of a vintage fanatic except it's no dream, and for cheap too! The Romanian bread bag is not only unbelievably pretty but damn well made too. Pretty big too, volume-wise this bag is like a small rucksack and the outside has provisions to attach even more stuff.


Comprises of a divided main space, adjustable with the closure straps of the lid. Dimensions about 32 x 28 x 12 cm (12" x 11" x 5"). There's an extra fastening strap at the mouth.

Carried with an adjustable shoulder strap. Now, this strap is something that will probably never break. It's also a bit wider from the spot it rests on your shoulder.

If the inside space is enough, there are four leather strap attachment points on the outside. These will fit most straps up to 25 mm (1") wide. The D-ring on the front is also a nice way to carry your enamel or alu mug!

Buckle modification guide

Are the slide buckles too slow for you? Consider swapping them for other buckles, the easiest choice being the GT Split-Bar, but if you want the best go for G-hooks. Neither option requires sewing!

First, do away with the old buckles with some side cutters. The steel is mild so it takes no time. Installing the Split-Bar is pretty straight-forward, just note that the steel end of the strap only goes through the male buckle sideways.

Installing the G-hook is a bit complicated, but more rewarding. The steel end of the strap doesn't fit through at all, but you can fold the strap into a bight and feed it through as two layers. Put a short 20 mm (7/8") piece of Paracord into the strap loop and capture it by pulling tight. Just look at the pictures and you'll get it.

Removing the old slide buckles: two snips with side cutters.. Weave the folded strap through one or both slots. Use a piece of Paracord inside the loop to prevent the strap from slipping back. G-hooks look the part, are durable and fast to use.

If you want to modify the inner security strap as well, you'll need three (3) G-hooks.


Made entirely of thick cotton duck. Details made of leather (strap points) and steel (buckles and strap end pieces). They have really made these from proper strong materials and the sewing thread seems pretty solid too. This bag will not fail.


Usually very little used, but old. We strongly recommend wiping the bag clean with a moist rag and treating the leather with generous amounts of grease. The musty warehouse smell will eventually vanish with use.

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02.09.2019 Verified purchase
Todella tuhtia kangasta, itse heitin välittömästi laukun pyykinpesukoneeseen 30° hienopesu, nestemäistä pesuainetta ja tiettyä jauhemaista tahranpoisto ainetta.
Pesun jälkeen laukku täyteen sanomalehtipalloja tms. tiukkaan jolloin kova markiisikangas muotoitui oikean malliseksi, samalla kankaasta tuli hiukan kuluneen näköinen, kun laukku oli kyuva valjaarasvaa nahka osiin kunnolla,..
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Five stars
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04.09.2019 Verified purchase
Kaikessa ankeudessaan täydellinen, ihastuin heti. Käytön jälkiä ei niin mitään. Minun käytössä ei varmaan hajoa ikinä, on sen verta tukevaa kangasta. Älä jää miettimään.
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Four stars
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13.09.2019 Verified purchase
Tuote vaikutti käyttämättömältä. Tuoksu on pistävä eikä se ainakaan kevyessä käsinpesussa lähtenyt minnekään. Ulkoasu muuttuu jonnin verran, eli kankaassa oli varmaan joku käsittelyaine? Laukun heikoin lenkki ovat kiinnityshihnat. Systeemi on epäkäytännöllinen, se ei haittaa itseäni, mutta hihnat ovat sen verran pehmoisen tuntuisia, että ainakin alkuperäiset alumiinisoljet syövät ne luultavasti nopeasti poikki. Tai siis parissa vuodessa missä tämmöiset laukut itselläni yleensä antautuvat muutenkin. Olkahihna on miellyttävän leveä ja säädettävissä. Toistaiseksi en ole edes innostunut silpomaan tai tuunaamaan laukkua. Läpän alla olevaan lenkkiin ripustin Gerber Mullet -työkalun ja sisäosan jaottelukin saa toistaiseksi olla kuten on. 12" MacBook Thulen kotelossa mahtuu pystyasennossa isompaan lokeroon, eli täysin fine itselle. Ja laukku on vähän isompi muutenkin, eli viikonlopun kamat mahtuvat varmasti. Sanoisin, että hintaansa nähden oikein hyvä laukku. Ja tämähän ei edes ole halvimpia mitä olen ostanut, oikeastaan kalliimmasta päästä.

edit: Päätin sittenkin laittaa G-hookit. Ja voin kertoa, että se ei käynyt kuin elokuvissa. Kaksinkerroin oleva hihna kun ei mene kovinkaan helposti läpi G-hookin rei'istä. Itse käytin apuna teelusikan vartta, vähän kyllä hirvitti. Ja kun koukku on paikallaan, huomaa nopeasti, että se paracordin pätkä on täysin turha. Koukku ei nimittäin hievahda vahingossa mihinkään suuntaan ja yrittämälläkin sangen nihkeästi. Nopeat pituussäädöt saa siis unohtaa tyystiin. Hihnan pituus kannattaa katsoa jo asennettaessa sopivaksi. Ai enemmän tavaraa, ei mee kiinni, sori siitä. Kiikutan laukun huomenna suutarille josko saisi päätettyä hihnat uudelleen jotenkin näppärästä. Hihan elinikä varmasti myös ainakin puolittui kun survoin sitä G-hookkiin.


Ei nämä mitään hajoamattomia ole. Karkea puuvilla kuluu puhki vuodessa, parissa ja olkahihnakin alkaa jo rispaantua.Toki paikkaamalla ja siistimällä saa pidettyä laukun käytössä pidempään. Vaihdatutin kurjat alkuperäiset hihnat moderneihin nylonisiin, tosin sekin oli vähän kurjaa laatua, halvalla kun ostin. Samalla tavaralla vahvistettiin paikkoja mitkä olivat jo kulumassa puhki. G-hookkien kanssa kannattaa käyttää laadukasta ja jämäkkää hihnaa. Ja kuten kaikki muukin puuvilla, tätä kannattaa pestä säännöllisesti, muuten alkaa lemuta ja näyttää muutenkin perseeltä. Nykyinen läppäri ei enää oikein mahdu (13" Air), mutta olen taas siirtyillyt reppuihmiseksi muutenkin.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

13.09.2019 Verified purchase
My bag arrived in a minimally used condition. If you appreciate the retro, old school way of doing things, you will cherish this bomb proof bag. It is a great value for the money.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.09.2019 Verified purchase
I used this as my shoulder bag/haversack containing my 10Cs during the Pathfinder Basic course. Everything except the wool blanket fit fine, so I could definitely use this bag for a forest overnighter. I waxed the top flap, but couldn't do the rest for lack of time.

I'm very happy with this. It lacks the handy pockets of the Polish bread bag, but is larger and seems to have better construction. I swapped out the buckles for G-hooks, and then switched to the split-bar solution. I prefer the split bars. FYI: I was able to run the webbing through the g-hooks, it just took a bit of hammering.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.10.2019 Verified purchase
Received this bag a day ago. First off, it's a large bag! I holds everything I normally carry in my pattern 37 smallpack EDC bag and there is much room left to spare! The bag is solid and looks to be unissued. One thing I was curious about, but was not in the description: Unlike many bags in this style and from this period, the divider in the bag is actually sewn all around! No more loose stuff getting under your water / whiskey bottle! I did the G-hook conversion right away, as I also have the original slide buckles on my smallpack and they are a pain in the ass. The mod works, but you are left with a long dangling piece of strap where the buckle goes. Maybe if the bag is fully packed out it would be less. I will shorten the straps a bit. Other than that it’s perfect. The bag and the mod make for a modern and easy to access bag with a vintage look and feel (and smell, oh lord, the smell of storage!). Would definitely recommend both the bag and varusteleka to a friend.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.11.2019 Verified purchase
What a cracking bag! Really well made and definitely built to last, I opted for the Split bar upgrade (for now) and decided to leave the metal buckles in place underneath them as emergency back ups. It also means the loose flappy bits of strap can be tucked in, which keeps them out of the way and adds an extra element to deter thieving sh!ts on crowded buses/tubes. fast delivery and great to see non plastic packaging.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.11.2019 Verified purchase
Thats what I call a rugged bag. In unused quality, just dust it off and oild the leather applications.
Great bag! Two really large compartements and thats it, just what I was after as a possibles bag.

Side note:
The german general purpose straps fit perfect:

Had some in my pile anyway, but you can´t have enough of those, can you?
Add the german poncho on top of the bag an you´re set for a day in the great outdoors.
Thumbs up!
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

14.12.2019 Verified purchase
This is an awesome bag with a very retro look. Mine is never been issued with no signs of wear and tear. If you remove the divider, it can be a very nice book bag or can be converted to be a camera bag with insert inside. Very thing is very well-constructed.
3 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse


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