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Now here’s a proper good winter boot made in a traditional fashion out of modern materials. These are just the high quality boots for the no-electricity atomic winter that’s coming. Just slip ‘em on and feel the warmth when you need to march through a blizzard or stand around in slush and puddles. Also very comfy around a campsite or at the cabin.
It’s a rare boot that combines performance in demanding elements and extreme comfiness such as these. These winter boots are just convenient as hell. Donning them is swift, even if you use both the ankle adjustment and the snow lock cord. Well insulated with a good insole, the overall warmth of the liner means that you don’t have to put three pairs of socks underneath. Just stick your leg in as it is, and you’ll stay warm for what you need to do. For longer outings in way below-freezing temperatures, put an additional sock on.
Although these are equally for moving around as they are for standing in one place, they are not marching shoes. If you need to walk for a whole day, other shoes might be better suited for that. Also, if you’re expecting to step into shin-deep puddles and stand in them for a long time, then regular rubber boots would fare better. It’s when you don’t know what’s up ahead or you know to expect everything from puddles to slush to ice, with lots of snow and general coldness—that’s when these boots excel. In less extreme conditions, they’re also very nice for people who usually suffer from cold feet and those who just want to slip into something when they go outside. So basically, slippers for winter, but comfier, and you can walk in these.
The manufacturer gives a year of warranty for these.
Ignacio N.