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Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.

Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus

Price 14.99 USD excluding sales tax

The saddest, most terrible attempt to make military gear, ever. Even empty, this bag is horrible to carry, and the suffering just deepens when you pack something into it.

  • This product is unlikely to be restocked and will be hidden from our website once it's out of stock.
  • Discontinued product.
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Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.
Polish combat rucksack, "leopard camo", surplus.

The saddest, most terrible attempt to make military gear, ever. Even empty, this bag is horrible to carry, and the suffering just deepens when you pack something into it.

You would think that since humans have been using some kind of rucksacks for as long as the species have been in existence, it would be impossible to design a bad rucksack as late as the 1990s. Well, things that are impossible for regular humans are no deterrent to the Polish! Instead of stealing a proper design from Germany, they just had to come up with their own. Maybe someone took the "piracy is a crime"-campaigns too seriously?

This is a floppy canvas ball with extremely uncomfortable carrying straps attached to the wrong places. Whatever you pack into the bag, it will not stay put and will find a way to painfully dig into your back. No matter how the pack is packed, the shoulder straps will constantly slip off. This might be a bonus, as the very sharp, blocky adjustment buckles will tear sore cuts on your chest and armpits whenever you manage to hold the straps on your shoulders.

One would assume that the product really can't be THAT bad. Go ahead. Don't believe us. Buy one and try it out - never has carrying anything on your back been such an awful experience.

Polish surplus

Used and unserviceable, although not in the way that the packs would be broken or missing parts. Actually, many of these are in the condition they came from the factory. Our guess is that the Polish soldiers carried all of their kits in a bundle on their arms rather than had anything to do with this contraption.

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12.08.2016 ⚠ Unverified purchase
kevyt kokoisekseen ja valitsemalla sisään sullottavan tavaran huolellisesti ei repusta tule palloa.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

21.06.2017 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Joo morjesta vaan kaikille. Tuotekuvauksen - ja maalaisjärjen - mukaan voisi kuvitella kyseessä olevan helvetti konkretisoituneena repuksi. Jos et ole kauhean mukavuudenhaluinen, tai olet kuten minä eli kurjuuden maksimoija, ei tämän hinta-laatu -suhteelle ole voittajaa. Mieti asiaa esimerkiksi näin: Reppu maksaa kympin. Voiko jokin 50 euron brittiläinen tactical combat xx -rinkka todella olla viisi kertaa tätä parempi? Vastaus: ei. Tiedän tämän, sillä vietin kaksi päivää sisätiloissa ja seitsemän päivää metsässä taivaltaen yhteensä jalan noin 30-40 km (+melontaa joitamia kymmeniä kilometrejä) tämän repun partnerina. Reppu on mukavasti yksiosainen, eikä siinä ole yhtään turhaa (lue: hajoavaa) osaa. Oikeasti, tämä reppu ei hajoa, ellet viillä tuota vaatekangasta jollain puukolla auki. Kiinnityskoukut repun alalaidassa saa olemaan pureutumatta kylkilihaan säätämällä hihnan pituuden sopivaksi ja kääntämällä kiinnityskoukkujen sisäosat taaksepäin, niin, että hihnat tulevat 1/4-osa punneille. Tämä ei haittaa, sillä hihnat ovat reilusti leveät, eikä punneille jäävä osa edes ole mitään kehonosaa vasten. Sateen sattuessa täältäkin löytyvä kympin Mil-Tecin universaali sadesuoja toimii ja sopii hyvin. Reppu toki muistuttaa perunasäkkiä mutta tactisella asettelukyvyllä saa tähänkin muotoa. Kaveriksi vielä JNA:n pakkisetti ja voin kokemuksella taata ikimuistosen reissun!

- Vaelluskengät kuivavat hitaasti jos vettä lentää kaaressa meloessa sisään.

+9 päivän mehtäkamppeet mukaanlukien paketti itäblokki-Saludoa meni heittämällä sisään
+Ei oo joka pojalla tämmöstä
+Toimii yksinäisyyden yllättäessä myös unikaverina, uhm mitkä muodot kun laahautuu lusikkaan tämän kanssa!
+Kukaan ei kyseenalaista miehuutesi kokoa
+Mahdollisuus vittuilla kavereille kun eivät kestä tätä nautintoa
+Kyky naamioitua leopardeihin
+100% female attention kun vilautat seksikästä leopardiasi.
60 Like 2 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.12.2017 Verified purchase
This is a good thing, maybe it isnt very good looking but very strong and good materials, I like it.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.03.2019 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Design and look very beautiful, diffrent, roomy bag, but for hiking or long walks not very comfortable straps. For stuff like clothes good choice, but for small equipment its a mess. After all its a good deal for such a little money!
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

07.05.2020 Verified purchase
Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.04.2021 Verified purchase
It's a very large bag, enough room to fits loads of items or clothes in it. The straps may not be the best, but they work.
Someone ripped the drawcord halfway out, so it took 2 hours of fiddling with a needle and toothpick to get it back through the other end. Pain in the arse.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

08.10.2021 Verified purchase
menee hyvin pieneentilaan kokoisekseen repuksi hyvin pakattuna. ps Mil-Teckin 50L kuivasäkki mahtuu just täydellisesti tän sisään.
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Two stars
I would recommend for a friend

11.11.2022 ⚠ Unverified purchase
It's a bag, it holds stuff. However, it hurts to use, and the more stuff you have in the bag, the more it hurts.

Fantastic gift idea for people you hate!
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Todd W. 31.01.2022
Polish Veshmeshok

While the shoulder straps are hilariously out of balance on this bag, it is of quite nice quality and should not be relegated to the dustheap of military rucksacks.

So don't fret, as it indeed does lend itself nicely to Veshmeshoking. Just source a suitable strap of apx 200cm
You can attach front or back depending on how you want to use the cover. And Veshmeshok away

You will be amazed at how balanced and usable the bag now becomes. And you'll be the envy of any and all rucksack enthusiasts as they admire your Extra Large and Leopardy Polish Veshmeshok
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