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Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Serves as a poncho.
Serves as a poncho.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Length 3 meters, width 1.8 meters, each side 1.7 meters.
Length 3 meters, width 1.8 meters, each side 1.7 meters.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Grommets (16 mm) in the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Grommets (16 mm) in the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Buttons and buttonholes are plentiful.
Buttons and buttonholes are plentiful.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Grommets on the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Grommets on the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. The opening for the head closes with several overlapping layers. Whether it actually keeps water out is something we haven't confirmed. Fortunately you have a steel helmet!
The opening for the head closes with several overlapping layers. Whether it actually keeps water out is something we haven't confirmed. Fortunately you have a steel helmet!
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. The instructions were sometimes printed on the fabric but they are most often worn off. Here's a reproduction drawing.
The instructions were sometimes printed on the fabric but they are most often worn off. Here's a reproduction drawing.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Just two of these can be made into a shelter that's definitely better than nothing. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Just two of these can be made into a shelter that's definitely better than nothing. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. In a perfect world, this is what you get.
In a perfect world, this is what you get.

Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus

Price 31.99 USD 39.99 USD excluding sales tax

After the latest proper war, the crafty Norwegians copied the shelter quarter system directly from the Germans. Some years forward, they developed this rhombus-shaped type, which is a whole different animal and also works as a rain poncho.

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Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Serves as a poncho.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Length 3 meters, width 1.8 meters, each side 1.7 meters.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Grommets (16 mm) in the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Buttons and buttonholes are plentiful.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Grommets on the corners. The piece of cord meant for the pegs is sometimes missing. If you can't figure out a solution for this, you probably shouldn't go camping anyway.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. The opening for the head closes with several overlapping layers. Whether it actually keeps water out is something we haven't confirmed. Fortunately you have a steel helmet!
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. The instructions were sometimes printed on the fabric but they are most often worn off. Here's a reproduction drawing.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Just two of these can be made into a shelter that's definitely better than nothing. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Pictured here is the 4-person tent erected wrong. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. Poles, ropes and pegs not included.
Norwegian Rhombus Shelter Quarter, Olive Drab, Surplus. In a perfect world, this is what you get.

After the latest proper war, the crafty Norwegians copied the shelter quarter system directly from the Germans. Some years forward, they developed this rhombus-shaped type, which is a whole different animal and also works as a rain poncho.

Note: We fucked up erecting the tent in the pictures. We'll get it right, just hold on for an update...

The idea of a shelter / poncho is that each soldier carries one of these and a set of tent pole sections, stakes, and guylines. When a group of soldiers come together they can join their shelter fabrics and set up a more comfortable camp anywhere.

You can button up as many as 16 of these to make tents for 4 to 16 persons. The Norwegians have printed the instructions on the fabric itself, see the extra picture in case those are worn out on your piece. (They often are.) The round markings are the places where the poles go and the small arrows denote where you bring edges together to form 3D shapes.

Major Diagonal300 cm118"
Minor Diagonal180 cm71"
Sides (all)170 cm67"
Weight1.6 kg3.5 lbs

Compatible with Norwegian, East German, and Third Reich tent poles. We are not quite sure how many pole sections you would need (depends on the tent type and height), but every soldier was normally issued two or three to go with his shelter quarter. We do know that the 4-person model works with 3 + 3 East German poles. For the larger tents, nature's own poles or long metal poles are probably a better idea.


Made of very tough cotton duck and waterproofed ages ago. We can't promise the proofing is still there - more likely not. However as cotton is a true super material, you can reproof it yourself in a variety of ways; technical waterproofer agents, wax or even soaking it in linseed oil and turpentine (open up YouTube, search "Oilskin tarp"). We do not take responsibility of anything you might try.

Norwegian army surplus

All of these are in OK serviceable condition, repaired when necessary. However be prepared to encounter a damaged or missing button here or there.

All products: Norway


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02.07.2022 Verified purchase
Yhden tai kahdenhengen suojana pitemmille ihmisille ...+ 180 paljon huonompi muodoltaan kuin puolan armeijan lavvu , ahtaampi paljon johtuen muodosta , mutta puuvillakangas on superlaatua ja salmiakkimuotoisten kankaiden muoto antaa hyvin paljon vaihtoehtoja tehdä isompia telttoja....polish lavvussa on ainoastann yhden tai kahdenhengen vaihtoehto...kokeilin piruuttani tänään ...ilkeä kun olen... kolmea norjan armeijan salmiakkimuotista kangasta Eskimo mallin mukaan ja täysi yllätys oli että siihen mahtuu jopa viisi 183cm ihmis otusta...tai neljä henkeä rinkat ...reput ...ohjukset ym....ja harva tajuaa että kahdeksasta saa niin ison pyramidi teltan että voi polttaa nuotiota sen sisällä...tosin varustelekan aikoinaan myymissä kolmionmuotoisisssa ranskan armeijan teltta...sadeviitta kankaista sai neljästä tehtyä vähän pienemmän ja kevyemmän pyramidi teltan väärinpäin pystytettynä kaksi metriä korkean jossa voi polttaa nuotiota hyvin...sitä olen käyttänyt sepän pajana ...lähinnä siksi että haluan pimeämmän tilan takomiseen ja karkaisuun....mutta sit se tärkein ...sadeviittana parempi kuin muut puuvillaiset vastaavat ...salmiakkimuotoisena aivan mahdoton pystyttään väärin ...eri vaihtoehtomallit ....jos josain myydään maastokuvioisia norjan armeijan salmiakkimuotoisia ...niin ne eivät ole yhtä hyvää tiheää puuvilla ovat kuus - seittemän sentiä pitempiä yksi sivu...napit kyllä käyvät tähän malliin..mutta laatu on huomattavasti huonompaa...eli nykyajan ...ei vanhanajan laatua...mul on kaksi niitä .
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

28.07.2022 ⚠ Unverified purchase
I bought 2 of these years ago from the USA and they came with poles and pegs. The 2 sheet shelter shown in the top right of the sketch (last picture) is too small for 2 adults (I am a short person). It measures only 170cm square, I think. So I bought another one privately, and set up a 3 sheet shelter according to the Norge army manual online (in english). Their diagram is a little inaccurate regarding the length of the shelter and the shelter would accommodate 2 adults (as shown in their diagram). So now I am thinking of getting a 4th sheet, for winter, a bigger tent. Since I did not buy any of my sheets from Varusteleka, I cannot comment on their condition. Can you translate the Finnish review? No way to upload a photo?
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.08.2022 Verified purchase
Sturdy stuff. From what I've been told from people who actually used these things in the field they do more to keep you warm than dry.
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James B. 16.05.2022
These are also the NATO snow shelter cover: if you have snow to a depth of 1m or more, then one can dig a pit for sleeping in and cover it with them, keeping it propped up with branches underneath.
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