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Helsingin Olkain button braces
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain

Helsingin Olkain button braces

Price 24.99 USD excluding sales tax

High-quality button braces, made in Finland! Better start sewing on buttons on your trousers if they don't have them already, as only barbarians, men of low moral fiber and the Finnish army uses clip-on braces!

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Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.
Helsingin Olkain button braces.

High-quality button braces, made in Finland! Better start sewing on buttons on your trousers if they don't have them already, as only barbarians, men of low moral fiber and the Finnish army uses clip-on braces!

These have the whole package:

  • Classic Y-form, does not slip off even if you fail to have wide shoulders.
  • Button-on fastening, will fit every button width thanks to the traditional "free floating" design.
  • The adjustments won't slip by themselves and the workmanship is excellent overall.
  • Last but not least, these are made in Finland, which means by buying these, you not only support us but an old local brace-maker. So, no profit for shady foreigners, except Belgians who supply the materials.

Size info

The sizes mean the maximum distance between the leather end pieces from the back to the front. So, measure your size with a measuring tape drawn from the back of the waist, over the shoulder, down to the front. Very simple.

Width: 36 mm / 1.4"

If you plan on purchasing a pair of trousers from us along with the suspenders and naturally don't know how high the waist will be, you can pretty safely use one finger width down from the belly button as the indicator.

Made by Helsingin Olkain

Helsingin Olkain makes quality suspenders, belts, and ear muffs. The company’s history goes back to the 1930s. The suspenders are made at their facility in Kerava, Finland.

All products: Helsingin Olkain


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Suomi Suomi (8)
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

24.01.2018 Verified purchase
The leather is of a good quality as seem to be all other materials. Button-on fastening really does fit on buttons of every size and stays on nice and secure.
Super-super comfortable! I really am going to sew on buttons on all my trousers now.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

02.01.2019 Verified purchase
Really nice high quality product. I use them on the BW moleskin trousers for field use and just to look smart. I used a little leather grease on the leather parts of the suspenders just to keep them in nice condition.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.01.2019 Verified purchase
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

01.02.2019 Verified purchase
I wear them everyday.
Not only they are of good manufacture, not only is the price real good (for Europe) but it's also a rare brand to offer a choice in length (110cm/120cm/130cm) as most other brands aren't designed for low (hip) hanging jeans.
These are also a great introduction to the world of suspenders as they stretch enough to make the sitting/standing transition easier. The classic expensive models using silk sure look fancier (eg: Trafalgar or Brooks Brothers) but they won't stretch as much when you sit up/down, giving you constant pain in the shoulders at the end of the day. The Helsingin Olkain are a breeze to adjust and the elastic band will stretch enough to fit you but without deteriorating either.

So if you live in Europe you will find that these are very affordable and well made compared to the rest, as we have few suspenders brands left.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

14.03.2019 Verified purchase
Great quality at a reasonable price. Great looks and they keep the trousers up as well. The sizing is generous. I could have gone for the shorter size without any problems.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

20.03.2019 Verified purchase
Iskin nämä kiinni BW-molskihousuihin, ja kyllä täytyy ihmetellä, kuinka toimivasta yhdistelmästä on kyse, kun on varusesineet suunniteltu tiettyä käyttötarkoitusta varten. Nämä eivät lähde itsestään irti niin kuin jotkut koukkuhenkseliviritelmät, eikä säätöjen vuoksi näitä tarvitse riisua. Säätöjen hammastus pitää tukevasti kiinni, eikä raavi henkseleitä pilalle.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.06.2019 Verified purchase
A rare thing these days, a quality product made like they used to be made and for actual use and not just a fashion statement with a price tag.
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One star
I would not recommend to a friend

20.08.2019 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Toiseksi huonoimmat omistamani olkaimet. Ostin tosin jo jonkin aikaa sitten, en tiedä onko laatu parantunut, mutta omistamissani kappaleissa ei ollut noi metalliset lenkit juotettu kiinni. Ja siinähän käy niin että lenkki alkaa vääntyä itsellään auki yhä useammin kun metalli väsyy.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.10.2019 Verified purchase
Kyllä kelpaa! Koska olen tyylitietoinen otin ruskeat liituraidoilla, sastan 1928 housut jatkeeksi ja olen valmis sotaan! Todella mukavat repun / rinkan kanssa.
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