French M47 Canteen with Cup and Pouch, Surplus, New
After WWII, the French copied US ideas when designing their military gear. Thus also these Modele 47 canteens resemble the American M-1910 canteen, but they are somewhat bigger than the original. We have been selling used ones but now we managed to get hold of a small batch of unissued canteens. These might be the only ones, so act fast.
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After WWII, the French copied US ideas when designing their military gear. Thus also these Modele 47 canteens resemble the American M-1910 canteen, but they are somewhat bigger than the original. We have been selling used ones but now we managed to get hold of a small batch of unissued canteens. These might be the only ones, so act fast.
- Aluminum canteen and a compact cup inside a carrying pouch
- Holds almost 1.5 liters of water
- Weight with the cup c. 560 g (1.2 lbs)
- Screw-on cap attached to the canteen with a chain
- Officially made in South Korea. However, with no official tags on it, we wouldn’t be surprised if they used a Chinese partner
This model has seen action in all sorts of African quarrels and the Vietnam War. Bulky and a bit heavy but still this French contraption is a quite nice canteen. The total volume of the bottle is almost 1.5 liters, so it is bigger than most others. You don’t need to be filling it that often, although filling is easy thanks to the large opening.
The cap is made of bakelite or plastic. Just like the US ones, the carrying pouch fits both the canteen and the cup. These have both an M-1910 wire hanger and a belt loop that can handle most up to 5 cm (2”) belts.
These are unissued military surplus canteens, originally made for the armed forces of Mali. Because they haven’t yet seen any water, they may contain some loose bits of the aluminum inside. We recommend a thorough cleaning before use! Fortunately, the mouth is big enough for just about any brush-like thing, so wash and scrub well before drinking from these. The carrying pouch may have some warehouse dust but that is easy to remove.
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does not recommend
7 ratings
Jussi I. 01.11.2020 Verified purchase
Tänään kävin keittämässä metsässä kahvit ja uusi pullo lähti mukaan testiin.
Aiemmin käytössä olleella 0,568l muovipullolla sai juuri keitettyä kahvit ja vettä jäi pieni liru astioiden huuhteluun.
Nyt vettä riitti kahvinkeiton ja astioiden kunnollisen pesun jälkeen vielä koiralle ja itselleni juotavaksi sekä käsien pesuun.
Pidän pullon muodosta, siitä saa kunnollisen ja tukevan otteen.
Toisaalta vaikka lipsahtaisi kädestä, ei tarvitse pelätä että hajoaa.
Parasta on, että pullo on uusi.
marko a. 03.11.2020 Verified purchase
Mukin kahvalätkä on eristetty kumintapaisella ulkopuolelta, eli ei sovellu lämmitettäväksi tulella.
Samu J. 04.11.2020 Verified purchase
Tilavuus on muistaakseni hieman päälle 1,3L, juuri sopiva määrä työpäivän aikana juotavaksi.
Pullon kantopussin saa helposti vaikka vyölle roikkumaan, ja pienen metalliklipsin poistamisen jälkeen voi vaikka narunpätkästä ja karbiini lenkistä väsätä kätevän kantonarun pussille!
Niinkuin joku jo sanoikin, pirun hyvä pullo ja halpaa kuin makkara.
Jeff D. 17.11.2020 Verified purchase
I would NOT recommend this canteen for those want a authentic military surplus item.
Jani R. 08.12.2020 Verified purchase
Osta mielummin tuo Sveitsin pakki, ja pidä pullot kotimaisena muovina.
Jim E. 13.12.2020 Verified purchase
Matthew S. 11.06.2021 Verified purchase
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