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French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Note the lace locks midway up the lacing. These can also be disregarded when setting up the laces.
Note the lace locks midway up the lacing. These can also be disregarded when setting up the laces.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Note the lining protecting the membrane. This pair was manufactured in 2012.
Note the lining protecting the membrane. This pair was manufactured in 2012.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Most of the boots came to us like this.
Most of the boots came to us like this.

French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus

Price 68.99 - 98.99 USD excluding sales tax

What a strike of luck! Hailing from the land of good accordion music and shitty beer*, we are proud to introduce the FELIN temperate full leather Gore-Tex boots in unissued condition. Give us your money and go marching with a smile! As the regular retail price for a non-surplus item would probably be double as much, you can spend the amount you save on something nice.

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French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Note the lace locks midway up the lacing. These can also be disregarded when setting up the laces.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Note the lining protecting the membrane. This pair was manufactured in 2012.
French FELIN Combat Boots, Black, Surplus. Most of the boots came to us like this.

What a strike of luck! Hailing from the land of good accordion music and shitty beer*, we are proud to introduce the FELIN temperate full leather Gore-Tex boots in unissued condition. Give us your money and go marching with a smile! As the regular retail price for a non-surplus item would probably be double as much, you can spend the amount you save on something nice.


  • Full leather, three-season GTX boot
  • Shock-absorbing sole with a coarse tread pattern
  • Stiffness around "3" in the scale of 1 to 4, so these are pretty stiff
  • D-loop lacing with lace locks

Finding a pair of no-frills full leather Gore-Tex boots is usually needlessly difficult. Unless you look in the direction of the French army. However, it seems they gave the production to the Germans, as is evident from the "Meindl" text in the footbed below the removable insole. Or at least this was the only hint of manufacturer we found from one pair. There are probably other manufacturers as well. There also might be small model variations depending on the manufacturer, mainly some slightly differing sole tread pattern or other minor details.

Those who know their boots probably see pretty fast what these are all about. The lack of fancy stuff is a good thing, so it's just the basics: shock-absorbing sole construction, metal D-loops for laces, bellowed tongue, and the leather takes in polish and spray solutions well. On the shaft, you'll find some padding, and the GTX membrane is sandwiched between the leather and inner protective lining. There's some kind of a ventilation system built into the boot, similar to those in Haix boots and German Bundeswehr current issue stuff, for example.

A little bit more about the lacing. It's a standard military type, so there are lace locks halfway up the boot. With these you can adjust the ball of the foot and ankle support separately - a welcome feature in long-distance walking! If you don't need the locks and would prefer to enjoy a "true" speed lacing, just don't run the laces through them.


These are very nice three-season all-purpose outdoor boots. We as Finns are quite thrilled about these, as the forests are almost always wet around here, no matter what season. In cities, these could be used as winter boots as well.

We do not know how slippery the sole is during the winter season. It probably is, as the rubber traction sole is pretty stiff. This also means it has a long service life.


Good boots are something you must care for regularly. After use, clean the boots with a moist rag and brush, then put them to dry in room temperature and keep them away from heat sources to prevent the leather from drying up and cracking. Treat with shoe polish. Brush them nice and shiny.

Boots with membrane have their own little special features, like the fact that if you treat them with regular shoe polish and grease, you'll risk blocking the membrane, making it as breathable as a plastic bag. So, only use care products meant for Gore-Tex footwear! You can also use spray-on waterproofing solutions, but do treat these with polish to nourish the leather.

Size info

Sizes are in the regular EU system. Unlike most other French boots, the sizes run kinda true on these, so 42 is 42 and not 40. If you are unsure or plan on using double-triple-dubledoble socks, size up. The last is at least "Regular" maybe even "Wide". Fits most people.


Unissued French army surplus from the 2000s! These are totally unused, most of them in original boxes. At best they've been tried on. We have no idea how long these will be available so act fast.

The fluctuation in price isn't because of the condition but because of the laws of supply and demand.

*) In reality, there are many good French beers, but you didn't hear this from us.

All products: France


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20.09.2022 Verified purchase
Nyt sattui loistotuote kohdalle. Laadukkaan kenkävalmistajan tuote ja puoleen hintaan vaikka olivatkin käyttämättömät.
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24.09.2022 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Istuivat jalkaan kuin pää tyynyyn, pehmusteet tuntuvat oikein mukavilta eivätkä hierrä. Olen näitä koiran lenkkien yhteydessä käynyt testaamassa eriävässä maastossa, eivätkä tunnu juuri missään, ei ole vaatinut sisäänajo prosessia. Vielä jää nähtäväksi mitä kengät pitävät Suomen talvesta.

Mietteet talvesta: Tuli testattua ihan kunnolla reservitoiminassa -5 C kuivilla lumipakkaskeleillä 3 pv, (PVn talvisaappaat olivat liian pienet). Kengät olivat oikein mukavat kävellä pitkilläkin siirtymillä ja en huomannut niiden läsnäoloa vaikka sukkakerrosten määrä hieman tiukensi kenkää. Pärjäsin itse useiden sukkakerrosten kanssa sekä sanomalehdillä, ja jalat olivat suurimman osan ajasta kuivat. Olin jopa nämä jalassa nukkumassa yönkin yli, eivät ne olleet liian kylmät. Jalat olivat vielä todella hyvässä kunnossa harjoituksen jälkeen, eikä rakkoja esiintynyt ollenkaan (marssia 10-15km). Jäisillä keleillä näitä tulisi välttää sillä pohja on aika liukas jää pinnalla, mutta lumisessa maastossa vielä pärjää. -5 C alempia pakkasia ei kannata, sillä varpaita alkaa varmasti vapisemaan, ja muutenkin näitä ei kannata käyttää talvella, vaan käyttäkää huovallisia jalkineita.
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24.09.2022 Verified purchase
Ai herra, nyt on kyllä diilien diili. Hyvännäköinen laatukenkä, koko just eikä melkein oman koon (46) kanssa ja lesti riittävän leveä. Myös diskreetti, kun laittaa lahkeen kengän päälle, niin ei meinaa helposti edes tunnistaa sotilaskengäksi. Talvea odotellessa.

TALVIEDIT: Mummon villasukkien kanssa näissä pysyy jalka lämpimänä talvikelissäkin, kunhan ei kauhean koville pakkasille näitä laita jalkaan.

Ja kannattaa uskoa kun sanotaan, ovat TODELLA liukkaat nykytalvien pääkallokeleillä.
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One star
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26.10.2022 Verified purchase
Used a few times the season I got them. Pulled them out of the closet today and the foam the soles are glued to is completely disintegrated and the soles peeled off completely after walking 100 meters.
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Five stars
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27.10.2022 Verified purchase
100% waterproof and very comfortable after break-in. Arguably the best boots I've bought in a while, maybe ever.
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04.11.2022 Verified purchase
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11.11.2022 Verified purchase
Five stars
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10.12.2022 Verified purchase
If you've never worn combat boots, these are a bit getting used to. While they are indeed stiff, they walk really comfortably. It's like you could walk on it for hours! They are very high up the legs tho, not really a big problem, just be aware that they might press a bit against your calves. Another disadvantage is that the D-loops are not always convenient if you have to put the boots on quickly and the laces are out. I solved that by putting the laces in a cord lock. They are still indeed a good buy for the value!
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Five stars
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24.12.2022 Verified purchase
Kengät ovat hintaansa nähden erinomaiset ja vastaavat pitkälti Meindelin 250-300€ hintaisia varsikenkiä. Valmistajan merkintää en löytänyt omistani. Nilkan lukituspisteet mahdollistavat kengän yläosan kiristämisen napakaksi ilman, että varpaista häviää verenkierto. Kapeajalkaisena nämä istuvat minulle mainiosti, mutta leveäjalkaisen kannattaa varmaan välttää lestin mallia.
Omien monojeni valmistuspäivästä on jo vuosikymmen, mutta alkuperäinen pahvilaatikko papereineen oli suojannut hyvin kenkää varastoinnin aikana. Pohjassa taisi olla jonkin sortin vahamainen pinnoite, joka mahdollisesti esti pohjan hapettumisen ja kovettumisen. Heti alkuun hieroin kengän pintaan kevyesti notkistavaa kenkärasvaa, sillä nahka oli hieman kuivannut, eivätkä tyypilliset kalvokenkien hoitotuotteet kosteuta nahkaa tehokkaasti.
Kengät ovat kestäneet mainiosti syksyn ja alkutalven mehtäkäyttöä ilman mitään jälkiä nahkaan. Pohja toimii kohtuullisen hyvin kylmemmälläkin eikä muutu aivan kivikovaksi. Varressa on yllättävän hyvä noin sentin paksuinen pehmeä eristekerros, joka on pitänyt nilkat lämpimänä. Pohjallinen kannattaa näistä vaihtaa, sillä mukana tuleva kuitumallinen on hyvin jäykkä ja sen iskunvaimennus on mitätön.
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Quentin B. 19.09.2022
At the risk of hijacking this comment section from it's intended purpose, I must react to an allegation made in the product's description (as a northern neighbor to France) : the are NO good beers from France !
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Dmitri B. 31.10.2023
come to Moldova and try everything. Maybe you will like it here. Maybe you will move here. Maybe you will open Varusteleka shop here, and I will never have to wait for my goods to travel.
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Mikko H. 23.09.2022
EI ollenkaan kokoa 43 / UK 9.0 ? Oikeasti ?
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