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Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus
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Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus. Colors may vary a bit
Colors may vary a bit

Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus

Price 9.99 USD excluding sales tax

A simple, robust and very affordable turtleneck shirt with a zippered collar from the land of the tulips. Available in green and blue as long as they are available. Fairly thick, so quite a nice additional layer for those colder days.

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Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus.
Dutch Turtleneck Shirt, Cotton Terry Knit, Surplus. Colors may vary a bit

A simple, robust and very affordable turtleneck shirt with a zippered collar from the land of the tulips. Available in green and blue as long as they are available. Fairly thick, so quite a nice additional layer for those colder days.


This is a pretty basic turtleneck with a tall zippered collar and elastic cuffs, just well made yet cheap. The color options are navy blue and green that varies from woodland to olive drab. A good additional layer for winter use or mid-layer for chilly fall and spring evenings. There's always use for a cheap, durable shirt that can take all kinds of abuse so you can save your fancier garments from wear and tear.

Materials and care

These turtlenecks are 80/20 cotton/polyester. The surface is smooth but the inside is terrycloth, which is rough enough that tender-skinned individuals might not want these on bare skin. Besides, having a Merino wool shirt underneath is the ideal option anyway. Wash at 60 degrees Celsius (140 F). We got shirts at least from the 1990s and 2000s, so the thickness, feel, and shade of the fabric vary a bit from batch to batch.

Choosing the right size

First, you get the recommended height and then the recommended chest circumference of the user. Finally, there’s the NATO size code. The collar is fairly tight, so if you have a wrestler’s neck you might want to keep it unzipped unless you wanna choke yourself to submission.

With the gray ones we noticed that the sleeves and hem are short for the recommended person height. This is a good thing, if you don't want that many layers all the way over the wrist. Pick a size meant for a taller person if you want sleeves of a more ordinary length.

Just to bring you some extra insight, we have given the US equivalents to both height and chest circumference. First NATO size, then US size. Some of the height classes fall between the US standards.

NATO-US Size conversions

NATO Height Comparable US size
6575 Short
7080 Regular
7585 Regular - Long
8090 Long
8595 Long - X-Long
9010 X-Long

NATO Chest Comparable US size
8595 Small
9505 Medium
0515 Large
1525 X-Large


Used Dutch military surplus. Some of these have been worn very little, some more, but quite nicely so they are clean and intact. Some seams might be a bit frayed and the colors a tad faded but all are perfectly serviceable.

All products: Netherlands


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Suomi Suomi (6)
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.12.2021 Verified purchase
Used, clean, not frayed. Good inexpensive bit of kit
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.12.2021 Verified purchase
Ompa tämä paksu. Näyttää BW poolopaidalta mutta toimii hienosti talvellla normipakkasilla collegen korvaajana. Vaikka olen 175cm manletti joka on harteikas ja vatsakas niin 210 / 125 cm koko oli aivan täydellinen. Hihojen resorit varmistavat ettei hihat ole lainkaan liian pitkät ja aluspaidalle pitkä selkä on pelkkää plussaa. Lisäksi vaikka olen sikaniska niin tuossa koossa vetoketju menee hienosti kiinni ja täydentää paidan lähes täydellisenä välikerroksena talvella. Voisin kuvitella Suomen kesässä käyttäväni tätä yksinään. Ei mielestäni tarvi mitään paitaa alle eli ei ole mitenkään karkea tai kutittava.
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Three stars
I would not recommend to a friend

15.12.2021 Verified purchase
Unreliable sizing and short sleeves--I bought one green and one blue of the same size. The blue is a good if snug fit excepting the sleeves, which are a minimum of two inches too short. They vastly limit the usefulness of this shirt as a sweater and are most comfortably worn pulled up to the elbows. Otherwise the material is warm and in good condition and would be great for anyone with unusually short arms.
The green one is much larger, a little too baggy on me which is not entirely unexpected as the closest size available was on the large side, but has normally sized sleeves and is again clean, warm, and in good condition.
I bought both shirts in 180/95, and I am 170cm tall. Had I been taller the blue shirt would have been too small in more than just the sleeves. After looking closely I realize the blue shirt in the photo also has very short sleeves but the model is wearing a large shirt with the shoulder seams halfway down his biceps. I reccomend avoiding the blue despite the nice navy colour.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

28.12.2021 Verified purchase
Ordered a blue and a green in the same size per the NATO size description (7585/9505). Chest wise, they fit perfectly. Length wise, they are definitely shorter than I was expecting. I'm 180 cm tall, and the sleeves feel to be about an inch shorter than where I would expect them. However, they were both very clean, free of stains and in very good condition. Very warm and comfortable as well.

I generally pull the sleeves up anyways, so the shorter sleeve isn't a problem for me. Still a five star purchase. If you need the longer sleeves, you may do well to size up to a longer length.

EDIT: Ordered another one, but in one size taller. Fits perfectly. Also pretty darned close to new. Would recommend
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

14.02.2022 Verified purchase
Kympin paidaksi hyvä ostos. Paksu ja lämmin paita, jota käyttänen hiihto- tai luistelulenkeillä aluspaitana sellaisenaan tai viileämmällä säällä teknisen paidan päällä.
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One and a half stars
I would not recommend to a friend

14.02.2022 Verified purchase
Wayyy too short (at least the green one).

I got 185 / 105 cm (I'm 183cm) and sleeves & hem are like 10cm too short.

Fabric was also very worn but I guess this is somewhat expected (mine was from the 90s).
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

17.08.2022 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Vuosituhansia BW poolopaitoja käyttäneenä aattelin kokeilla myös tätä. Niihin verrattuna tämä on paljon lämpimämpi heti kättelyssä.

Saamaani yksilöä oli vissiin aktiivipalveluksessa kuritettu vähemmän koska kaulus ei ollut venähtänyt niin että sen voi pukea alakautta niin kuin yleensä saksalaisissa.

Ja sisäpuoli on tosiaan karkea, tyyliin "käyttänyt samaa pyyhettä jo 90-luvulta lähtien".
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

08.11.2022 Verified purchase
I bought it before reviews came in, but I ended up ordering a 180/95 Navy. Very comfortable and soft fabric, but the sleeves and hem were about 2 in, 5 cm, too short. Just bought another size up in green. Hope it fits better!
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Two and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

19.11.2022 Verified purchase
Koot ovat tosiaan ainakin sinisessä oudosti. Tilasin 180-senttisenä poolon kokoa 180/95. Helma loppui vyön tasalle ja hihat kyynärvarren puoleenväliin. Laitoin vaihtona tulemaan kahta kokoa isompaa koska se oli ainoa mitä oli jäljellä, katsotaan miten käy.

Erikoismaininta siitä, että ensimmäistä kertaa ylijäämäkamaa tilatessa ne oli pesty jollain ylettömän hajustetulla pesuaineella jonka haju levisi koko asuntoon sovituksen aikana. Jos Suomen armeijassa käytettäisiin tällaista, niin Santahaminan varusvaraston täydennyspäivän voisi haistaa Herttoniemeen asti. Varaudu siis tuulettamaan kuukausi tai pesemään saman tien uudelleen, mahdollisesti molemmat.

Päivitys: Vaihtopoolot tulivat (Koko 190/95) ja koko on aivan passeli 181-senttiselle meikäläiselle. Hihat voisivat olla ehkä vielä tuuman pidemmätkin. Ja nämä eivät haise. Nyt voin suositella, hinta-laatusuhde on kohdallaan. Eivät nämä vieläkään metsäkäytössä ihan pärjää kotimaisen mallin pooloille, joissa on pituutta niin ettei selkä jää ikinä paljaaksi.
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Harri K. 26.01.2022
Norjalaiset "keksivät" ottaa ensimmäisinä, 1970-luvun puolivälissä, puuvillafroteisen vetoketjupoolon sotilaskäyttöön. Norjassa harjoittelevat brittijoukot saivat niitä käyttöönsä tavalla tai toisella ja nimesivät paidan "Norgieksi" ja britit ottivat sen virallisestikin käyttöön ja jakotavaraksi. Myöhemmin moni muukin maa otti mallin käyttöön ja nykyään sen tyyppisiä paitoja tehdään myös "teknisistä" materiaaleista tai villasta.
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