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Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Sturdy and thick black dry sack.
Sturdy and thick black dry sack.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Classic roll-top closure
Classic roll-top closure
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Two D rings that you can use to attach the sack to e.g. a canoe or to attach something else on the sack, such as a shoulder sling.
Two D rings that you can use to attach the sack to e.g. a canoe or to attach something else on the sack, such as a shoulder sling.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. "Sack, Waterproof, Middle".
"Sack, Waterproof, Middle".
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. The pack is Särmä TST RP80. When stuffed full, it won't fit inside, but if you leave a bit space at the top, it will. Inside the pack, it will fit very well.
The pack is Särmä TST RP80. When stuffed full, it won't fit inside, but if you leave a bit space at the top, it will. Inside the pack, it will fit very well.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Put your gear in the sack and swim across the water!
Put your gear in the sack and swim across the water!

Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued

Price 24.99 USD excluding sales tax

What’s this madness? Thick and durable Dutch military dry sacks, unused but at the price of regular surplus. This is a very high-quality dry bag, and these might not grow old in our warehouse. These were originally designed as the waterproof cover of the rucksack when e.g. crossing waterways. They also work very well inside the rucksack or as a traditional dry sack when canoeing or doing something else wet. You can fit loads of stuff inside.

  • We don't know when this product will be restocked. With surplus the restock date is unknown due to sometimes poor availability. Request restock notification and we will email you as soon as this product is available.
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Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Sturdy and thick black dry sack.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Classic roll-top closure
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Two D rings that you can use to attach the sack to e.g. a canoe or to attach something else on the sack, such as a shoulder sling.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. "Sack, Waterproof, Middle".
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. The pack is Särmä TST RP80. When stuffed full, it won't fit inside, but if you leave a bit space at the top, it will. Inside the pack, it will fit very well.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued.
Dutch Dry Sack, Large, Black, Unissued. Put your gear in the sack and swim across the water!

What’s this madness? Thick and durable Dutch military dry sacks, unused but at the price of regular surplus. This is a very high-quality dry bag, and these might not grow old in our warehouse. These were originally designed as the waterproof cover of the rucksack when e.g. crossing waterways. They also work very well inside the rucksack or as a traditional dry sack when canoeing or doing something else wet. You can fit loads of stuff inside.

And not only for nature - these are great for storing delicate stuff safe from insects (moths), rodents and moisture. When the sack is closed, it can even be hung for a spot of your choice, away from the floor. Or you can use the provided D-rings too.


Very spacious black dry bag with a roll top closure and a couple of D rings that you can use to attach the sack to e.g. a canoe or to attach something else on the sack. Made from waterproof PVC-coated something. No more material info given. In any case mil spec thick and tough material that will keep the water outside. What more can you wish for.

Size info

Measurements when flat c. 94 x 65 cm (37"x 25.6"), empty weight c 630 grams (1.4 lbs). What kind of a pack you can fit inside depends on the shape of the pack plus how much pouches and other stuff you have on top of it. Think about your packing based on the measurements above. If you want to use this inside the pack, an 80-85-liter pack is probably the ideal.


Not rocket science. Put your stuff in the sack, roll the top a few times and close the buckle to keep everything dry when you swim across the shark-infested waters, go canoeing, or camp in wet conditions. Easy to open and close.


Unissued Dutch military surplus. So nobody has used these before you.

All products: Netherlands


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Five stars
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08.06.2023 Verified purchase
Ostin pusseja neljä kappaletta. Tarkoituksena on vesitiivistää ahkiossa tavarat talvella ja hieman helpottaa särmäämistä. Toinen käyttötarkoitus on käyttää näitä retkeilyvehkeiden varastointiin häkkivarastossa.

Säkit on mitä ilmoitus kertoo. Mun pussukat tuli tehtaan muoveissa ja niissä on hieman kumimainen haju joka on tuulettamalla jo hieman haihtunut. Pussit tuntuu olevan todella korkealaatuisia ja retuutus testissä pärjäsivät moitteettomasti. Nämä ovat kooltaan siis aivan järjettömät ja luulen että kahdellakin olisin pärjännyt vallan mainiosti.
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Five stars
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29.06.2023 Verified purchase
Tukevaa tekoa! Ja ihan hillittömän kokoinen! Pussiin mahtuu helposti esim Jääkäri L rinkka sivutaskuineen ja vielä jää paljon tilaa muulle tavaralle. Erinomainen esim vesistön ylitykseen taikka rinkan kuivana pitämiseen majoittumisen aikana (näihin tarkoituksiin hankittu), mutta sopii varmasti ihan säilytyskäyttöönkin.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

04.07.2023 Verified purchase
Huge, and still in the bag, as advertised. Haven't used it yet, but will be great for kayaking, fits a 7-day pack pretty easily but YMMV, my kit isn't very bulky. Buy one while they last, you can't get consumer dry bags in this size of this quality build for this price. I missed the first lot by a day or two, and was very happy that Varusteleka received a restock of unissued ones pretty soon after but who knows if/when another lot will come through.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

12.02.2024 Verified purchase
Incredible value for the price.

Buy now -- think later.

You won't regret it.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

30.04.2024 Verified purchase
Tämä on vain yksinkertaisesti niin moneen eri käyttöön soveltuva yleissäkki että sitten kun jossain vaiheessa ylijäämä-hana katkeaa tämänkin tuotteen osalta toivon todella paljon että Varustelekalla olisi edes suurin piirtein vastaavalla hintatasolla oleva omatuotanto-vastine valmiina.
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