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DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack
DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack.
DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack.
DD Hammocks

DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack

Price 7.99 USD excluding sales tax

Extra set of 6 pegs does wonders. Made of aluminum, these won't weigh you down or take too much space in your backpack. The unnatural color helps you find these when packing your shelter up.

  • In stock 42 pcs. Sold 22 pcs in the last two weeks.
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DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack.
DD Hammocks SuperLight Pegs 6-Pack.

Extra set of 6 pegs does wonders. Made of aluminum, these won't weigh you down or take too much space in your backpack. The unnatural color helps you find these when packing your shelter up.

Sometimes you have lots of ideas but run out of pegs. Of course, you can sharpen some sticks you find on the ground, but it's a lot faster to just pick a ready-made peg and move to crafts once the camp is set up.

  • Size: 155 x 4 mm / 6" x 0.15"
  • Weight: 8 g / 2.8 oz. each
  • Includes: 6 x SuperLight pegs
  • Suitable for use in fairly hard ground

Made by DD Hammocks

Founded in 2005, the British DD Hammocks supplies proper quality hammocks, tarps, and other related stuff. Along with the common joe, campers, hikers, etc., a large customer base is in the British military. If it's good enough for war zones, it should do well in civilian life too.

All products: DD Hammocks


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3.56 / 5
9 ratings
Suomi Suomi (6)
English English (3)
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.07.2019 Verified purchase
Three and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.08.2019 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Erittäin kevyet, aika lyhyet, ei suojapussia. Yksi taittui heti tavallisessa puistossa kokeillessamme tarppia eli ei kannata runtata jalalla edes silloin kun kuvittelee maaperän olevan pehmeä.
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Three stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.02.2020 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Ihan kivasti toimii, on kevyet ja kaikkea, kirkas väri hyvä. Alumiinisena kuitenkin menee helposti syville naarmuille kun koittaa tunkea karikekerroksen läpi kivien väliin. En ehkä suosittelisi mihinkään tuntureille tms. "kovaan käyttöön" mutta silti kevytretkeilyyn mainiot, "semi-oikeat" kiilat, toisin kuin just ne rautalangasta katkotut paskaneulat mitä markettiteltoissa tulee mukana.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

22.04.2020 Verified purchase
I wish I had ordered 2 sets of these for my French army 2 man tent. Work very well.
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Two stars
I would not recommend to a friend

11.07.2020 Verified purchase
Eivät ole sananmukaisia kiiloja, vaan tikkuja. Kapean muodon vuoksi nämä eivät kestä vetoa ilman että liikkuvat maassa, varsinkin pehmeässä sellaisessa.
Kuten muissakin kommenteissa mainittiin että näihin tulee helposti syviä naarmuja. Ensimmäisen käyttökerran jälkeen tuli fiilis että nämä kiilat on mahdollista kuluttaa käyttämällä loppuun. Poikki en ole vielä yhtään saanut.
Näitä ei kannata ottaa retkeilyihin ja seikkailuihin mukaan. Sopivat varmasti hyvin teltan pystyttämiseen takapihalle tai festareiden majoitusalueelle, muuhun näitä ei uskailtaisi käyttää
Mil-tecin V-muotoiset kiilat on pirusti parempia.
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Two stars
I would not recommend to a friend

24.06.2021 Verified purchase
Kevyt mutta jos tätä polkaisee jalalla maahan taittuu kiila samantien V-muotoon. Eikä oikein pysy maassakaan. Ehkä tällä jonkun maavaatteen ankkuroi teltan alle tai jotain. En lähtis luottamaan myrskyssä.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

18.07.2021 Verified purchase
Tarpin kaverina kuminyörin avulla ja tähän mennessä kaikki ovat pysyneet kiinni.
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Three stars
I would not recommend to a friend

27.04.2022 Verified purchase
These are lightweight and at a good price, but so small they would be useless in most camping situations. May work in a grassy field to hold up a tarp, but so lightweight and small that I wouldn't risk taking them on a real camping trip. So small and short they won't stay in soft or sandy ground. May not even stay staked in moderate winds. Bought them as a lightweight alternative to heavy tent stakes for hiking/camping trips, but thinking about returning them since they can't do what I need them to. 3 stars because they are rather cheap, and may do light duty with a tarp or camping in your back yard.
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Three and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

21.08.2024 Verified purchase
Super light as stated, not really sure about its intended useage, as for tents they are a bit too flimsy, but does its job in calm weather.
There are better alternatives, but they are as described, super light and very visible in grass, no need to search all day for that one peg that went AWOL
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