A large rubberized bag. Just the color of a hangover, this incidentally is large enough to hold a case of cheap beer and a bottle of something stronger too and definitely won't break while doing so. For this price it's almost a steal if these only weren't so horrible!
Probably meant for radio stuff, someone actually had to carry these around in times past. Once communism went belly-up, they didn't get rid of them but sold the bags off and some army store from Finland bought them.
The cheap price does not mean cheap quality, these are real army surplus and thus made properly. Beats any Chinese-made stuff anyway and being surplus, these are even environmentally friendly... unless you discard them unproperly.
Used, some of the snaps might be broken and the might be old writings somewhere. Smells just like communist East Bloc kit should. Some are a bit sticky but easily wiped clean. Also, the hangover colors vary a bit - some are pretty bleak, some not as horrible.