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A Tri-Tab and length of shock cord used to make a simple lashing system for a backpack.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A Tri-Tab and length of shock cord used to make a simple lashing system for a backpack.
A Tri-Tab and length of shock cord used to make a simple lashing system for a backpack.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab.
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A simple two-ended game hanging loop.
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Simple lashing system made from shock cord, ITW Tactical Toggles and a cord lock.

Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab

Price 1.99 USD excluding sales tax ( 1.99 USD / m )

If you think all elastic cord was created equal, think again! This is Finnish MILSPEC stuff, very high quality 4 mm cord, infrared protected, thick and strong, just the kind you would want for any serious use.

  • In stock 222 metres. Sold 319 metres in the last two weeks.
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Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A Tri-Tab and length of shock cord used to make a simple lashing system for a backpack.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A Tri-Tab and length of shock cord used to make a simple lashing system for a backpack.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A simple lashing system made from shock cord and a cord lock.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. A simple two-ended game hanging loop.
Bungee Cord, by the meter, Olive Drab. Simple lashing system made from shock cord, ITW Tactical Toggles and a cord lock.

If you think all elastic cord was created equal, think again! This is Finnish MILSPEC stuff, very high quality 4 mm cord, infrared protected, thick and strong, just the kind you would want for any serious use.

Sold by meter which equals 39.4".

Please note that the colour of the cord is very dark - almost closer to black than green.

If you order 3 pcs, for example, you get one piece that's 3 meters long. We cut these to length for you.

Not only for replacing old worn-out elastics, but this is also perfect for many uses ranging from improving your kit to attaching things to other things, may be paired together with some quality locking pieces too. The Finnish army uses this in the side adjustment of the current issue combat vest. Whatever you do, remember to burn the raw ends shut.

Made by Finn-Savotta Oy

Founded in 1955, Savotta is known for its simplistic and extremely rugged, Nordic designs. For decades, Savotta has been the go-to supplier of outdoor gear and equipment for individual outdoor people as well as various aid groups and defence forces, most notably of course the FDF.

  • ISO 9001:2015, AQAP 2110 Ed D, Facility Security Clearance
  • ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental certificate
  • NATO CAGE: A444G

Savotta makes a large share of their products, all of their tents, ruck frames, and all non-sewing work in Karstula, Finland, where all of the design and development takes place. Large production runs are distributed to Savotta's second factory in Estonia, which is tooled for sewing only, and Poland. The product label has the exact country of manufacture and the quality is always guaranteed.

All products: Savotta


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Suomi Suomi (7)
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

15.11.2016 Verified purchase
- hintansa väärti, eikä tuon kuvassa näkyvän kiinnikkeen tekeminen, johon saa mm. sadeviitan ole vaikeata

- suosittelen, mikäli et saituuttasi halua leikkiä noilla rihmoilla, jotka lupaa kysymättä paukahtavat poikki...

- tästä narusta & laadukkaasta narulukosta saa vahvemmat ns. pikanauhat kenkiin, kuin ne sikakalliit valmiit (7e:n nauhat kesti reilun kuukauden)

- lukoksi en kuitenkaan suosittele sitä savotta/puolustusvoimat-lukkoa, koska on turhan jäykkä tähän juttuun
- tein tosiaan itse tuon alussa mainitun kiinnikkeen ja näin talvella siihen saa nopeasti vanhan kunnon SA norsun pus..sukan, joka
ehtii kuivua sisällä ollessa
- ironista, että hävitin kaksi aiempaa tilausta/kuminyöriä, mutta koska myöhemmin löytyivät, on nyt kolme nippua uusiin projekteihin
10 Like 1 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

15.09.2017 Verified purchase
Elastic, tough. That´s it. I have used it for everything, backpacking, tarp, hammock, car, even boots and it lasts forever. Great choice.
6 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.10.2017 Verified purchase
Tämä on täydellistä, vahvaa kuminyörtä moneen käyttöön kuten kuvauksessa ja arvosteluissa.
3 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

14.02.2018 Verified purchase
Best cord like this I have found. Very durable and stiff, grade A stuff. The accessories also fit great, very secure. If your wondering how to fasten something to your sack or just need some cordage, this stuff is it. Perfect! I had to order another 10 meters just to stick in the pack with a few cord locks. This stuff is cheap and brilliant.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.05.2018 Verified purchase
Tein tommosen videolla näkyvän virityksen Berghaus Centurion lippaan ja on se ihan jees. Kyllä siinä esim. takkia ihan näppärästi kantaa.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

03.06.2018 Verified purchase
Vahvaa ja hienosti joustavaa materiaalia.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

06.06.2018 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Tästä tavarasta tuli intissä askarreltua kaikenlaista tetsarin taskujen vetoketjujen oikeasti toimivista vetimistä (ITW:n pampuloilla) aina sadetakin kantovirityksiin tappeluvyölle, loistavaa kamaa.
2 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

13.06.2018 Verified purchase
1Sturduy stuff. Really sturdy! (update 22.08,2024) Bought second lot of this - it really takes time to kill this tiny rubber string
0 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

12.03.2019 Verified purchase


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