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British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. A really cool combat-proof, padded gas mask case, also usable as a field pack.
A really cool combat-proof, padded gas mask case, also usable as a field pack.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. The pack comes with detachable side pouches and a shoulder sling.
The pack comes with detachable side pouches and a shoulder sling.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. There's also an interesting zippered contraption to expand the space a bit.
There's also an interesting zippered contraption to expand the space a bit.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. Both sides feature a detachable pouch.
Both sides feature a detachable pouch.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. There are elastic straps inside for attaching something you like more than others.
There are elastic straps inside for attaching something you like more than others.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. The main compartment is covered by a flap with a hook and loop and snap fastener closure.
The main compartment is covered by a flap with a hook and loop and snap fastener closure.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. These are in really nice condition.
These are in really nice condition.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus.
Great Britain

British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus

Price 27.99 USD excluding sales tax

A wicked cool combat-proof, padded gas mask case, also usable as a field pack. In case you need a butt bag or a spacious and durable camera bag that won’t break your piggy bank, this is it.

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British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. A really cool combat-proof, padded gas mask case, also usable as a field pack.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. The pack comes with detachable side pouches and a shoulder sling.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. There's also an interesting zippered contraption to expand the space a bit.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. Both sides feature a detachable pouch.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. There are elastic straps inside for attaching something you like more than others.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. The main compartment is covered by a flap with a hook and loop and snap fastener closure.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus. These are in really nice condition.
British Osprey Gas Mask Pouch / Field Pack, MTP, Surplus.

A wicked cool combat-proof, padded gas mask case, also usable as a field pack. In case you need a butt bag or a spacious and durable camera bag that won’t break your piggy bank, this is it.


A really clever bag with light padding on all walls. The main compartment is covered by a flap with a hook and loop and snap fastener closure. When the bag is closed, the clever flap design ensures nothing will fall out or get wet that easily. There's also an interesting zippered contraption to expand the space a bit, but it also reduces padding on the front. This will fit quite a lot of stuff without opening the zippers. However, if you enjoy pushing shit in, this will help you a bit. There are elastic straps inside for attaching something you like more than others.

On both sides there is a small pouch attached to the PALS webbing, which you can remove if needed. Well, if not needed that is. Each can fit a pint-sized can of beer or something similarly big. On the back, you'll find MOLLE attachment and plastic D-rings that feature a shoulder sling. So, you can use this either as a sling bag or attached to something.


The main compartment c. 20 x 28 x 12 cm (8" x 11" x 4.5"). This kind of flexible bag is a bit tricky to measure accurately because when it expands one way, it shrinks the other way. The inner measurements of the small pouches are c. 20 X 10 x 5 cm (8" x 4" x 2").


Used British military surplus but in good, serviceable condition. Will love you a long time. These might have previous owner’s autograph or some other small signs of use but it won’t bring your down.

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All products: Great Britain


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4.54 / 5
34 ratings
Suomi Suomi (16)
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Four stars
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25.12.2016 Verified purchase
Loistavaa lisätilaa sain kun läimäisin taisteluliivin selkään kiinnitettyyn sourcen rakkotaskuun tämän kiinni. Koko täydellisen passeli niin että jäi sourcen läppä käytettäviin mutta muutoin täyttää mitoilleen loppuosan. Tähän "pussukkaan" mahtuu todella reippaasti tavaraa, varsinkin kun ottaa laajennuksen auki. Väritkin (MTP) mätsää hienosti keskenään. Lisämainintana että nämä brittien osprey tuotteet ovat itselle muutenki olleet hinta/laatusuhteeltaan tst-varusteiden aatelia !
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.07.2021 ⚠ Unverified purchase
I own 2 of these bags. One I use as a haversack. On each side of the bag it has MOLLE with pouches on it. I took off the side pouches and put a bottle pouch on one side and a first aid pouch on the other. It has plenty of room for the rest of your gear inside. The zippers on the front are actually for easier access or to tighten it up, not to fit more kit in. It has MOLLE on the back so if you want to attach it to a pack with PALS webbing it can be done. It has some elastic straps on the inside that I don't use but likely to hold gas mask and other components of gas masks because that was it's original use. Their are long pockets on the inside, down the sides. One is split into 2 and the other is full side width. I use the wide one to hold my folding saw, but not sure what to do with the thinner ones. I've heard of people removing stitching on the back that separates the PALS webbing loops to hold a small axe. Comes with the side pouches but I don't use them. And it actually comes with 2 straps, a shoulder strap and a leg strap to use it on a belt like a drop leg pouch.
The second one I own, I use on the back of a battle belt (wide belt with PALS webbing). I put lots of other British pouches found on here, on the belt as well. I can do an overnighter with just the battle belt with these pouches on it instead of carrying a full pack. then my upper body is free and the weight is on my hips. (This bag holds my tarp, a sleeping bag liner and a few other bulkier pieces of gear.)

I recommended this pouch/bag to Varusteleka months ago. Glad they finally got it in. Bit pricey on here but still worth what they are asking. British Army kit always seems to be in excellent condition for surplus gear and it's as good (lots of times better because of design) as the american military surplus.

If yer thinking about getting this, just do it, you won't regret it. It's one of the most versatile pieces of kit I own.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.07.2021 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Mulla on tämmönen muualta lähes käyttämättömänä ostettuna. Varsin jykevä laukku ja molle-sivutaskutkin voi tosiaan vaihtaa erilaisiin. Mukana tuleviin sivutaskuihin mahtuu ei-sujauttamalla tasan tarkkaan litran maitopurkki mutta läppä ei enää mene kiinni. Päätaskuun mahtuu helposti joko 2kpl 1,5 litran pulloa pystyasentoon tai 4kpl litran maitopurkkia ja läpän saa ainakin tarralla kiinni, 3kpl 1,5 litran pulloa mahtuu myös mutta läppä ei enää tällöin mene kiinni. Päätaskun sivuseinämillä on vielä pienet vähän piilossa olevat taskut joihin mahtuu tyyliin veistä tai lusikkaa sun muuta pitkulaista. Itseasiassa varsin mukava kantaa jos laittaa jonkun olkahihnan pehmusteen ja sitoo lisäremmillä vielä reiteen kiinni. Hyvä esim. kameralaukkuna. Omani pesin ihan pesukoneessa verkkopussissa ja annoin kuivua avattuna varmuudeksi useamman päivän ja helvetin hyvä tuli.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

19.07.2021 Verified purchase
Tämä on varsin tukeva, kookas ja laadukas olkalaukku. Ostin tämän vuosia sitten ja silloin hihna ja sivutaskut olivat boonusta; nykyisessä satsissa nuo näkyvät tulevan joka laukun mukana. Laukku on palvellut moitteettomasti mitä erilaisimmissa skenaarioissa ja olen hyvin tyytyväinen hankintaani.

Sivutaskuun saa SA-juomapullon/useimmat litran kartonkiset pakkaukset mahtumaan.

En käyttäisi tätä tetsarin takataskuna laukun suuren koon ja kulmikkuuden tähden vaan muun varustuksen yllä. Silloin tässä saisi esimerkiksi näppärästi kulkemaan vaikkapa kenttäehtoollistarpeet. Mutinaa sen verran, että kiristysvetoketjujen perimmäinen merkitys ja hyödyllisyys on jäänyt toistaiseksi salatuksi.

Osta ihmeessä!
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

21.07.2021 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Minulla on tämä toisaalta ostettuna kameralaukkuna. Tenba Byob 9 sopii sisälle about hyvin. Tämän saa yhdistettyä esim. brittiarmeijan taisteluvyöhön jolloin tästä tulee hyvä kameralaukku esim pyöräillessä ja hiihtäessä.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

31.07.2021 Verified purchase
Yllättävän tilava. Sopii pehmusteiden/jäykisteiden ansiosta herkempien tavaroiden kuten kamerajärjestelmän kantolaukuksi. Oikeastaan ainoa napisemisen aihe on se, että laukkuun kuuluisi myös reisihihna, joka omastani puuttui - ei silti, että tätä erityisesti tekisi mieli reiteen edes kiinnittää. Laukun sisällä olevien nepparien naaraspuolten olemassaolo on mysteeri - niihin ehkä voisi kiinnittää jotain, mutta mitä? (irtotasku, jokin hihna...?)
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

18.10.2021 Verified purchase
I got this to use as a ready-to-go bag to keep my nature/hunting/dog nerd kit in. It has not disappointed. In the main compartment I store a large water bottle, binoculars, some dog food, a little food for myself, an extra leash, a first aid kit, lighter, knife and some other stuff. The very generous range of adjustment on the strap means you can carry it several different ways, including as a makeshift little backpack (by threading the main strap through the loop intended for the leg strap).

If it has one downside for me it would be that the velcro is supremely loud, so if you're using it for hunting or bird watching, consider covering the velcro (with more velcro...) and just use the buttons to keep it closed. I would also prefer metal D-rings.

Also, you can empty it all out, fill it completely with a metric fuck-ton of shot shells and go bird hunting. Very suitable for that too, especially to annoy people who like to dress up like the posh folk when hunting pheasants.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

14.11.2021 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Siisti hieno, uudenveroinen. Äärestä tilava!!! Topattu asiallinen, ja tästä on iloa pitkäksi aikaa :) Suosittelen.
2 Like 0 Dislike Report abuse
Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

15.11.2021 Verified purchase


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Deleus I. 15.11.2021
Better than the majority of bushcraft bags I have used. It is sturdy with walls that actually protect the content somewhat and keep it from collapsing if you for example put a waterbottle to one side. The lid closes the bag in such a way that it stays in place and it improves waterresistancy quite a lot. Overall a very good price for the quality bag you’re getting!
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Randy Y. 04.06.2023
To all you guys that said the strap is uncomfortable, just go on Aliexpress and buy a shoulder pad to put on the strap. they even have them in chinese multicam so it matches the bag. type in sling bag strap pad in the Ali search and should be one of the first things that pop up. About $6 USD including shipping. I own a couple (it's the longer strap pad) and they are comfortable.
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Rohan R. 17.09.2024
Very useful bag. I use it when I go out with my kids to put snacks, diapers, extra clothes, etc. It came with two small side MOLLE bags, which I replaced with a USMC and Dutch MOLLE bags.
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