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British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Standard PALS in the back. Width: 4 columns.
Standard PALS in the back. Width: 4 columns.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. The flap is adjustable and removable. A strip of webbing is found inside.
The flap is adjustable and removable. A strip of webbing is found inside.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. The smaller flat pocket also has a webbing divider.
The smaller flat pocket also has a webbing divider.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Handy attachment to a regular belt with two Single Column Särmä VFS adapters.
Handy attachment to a regular belt with two Single Column Särmä VFS adapters.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Convenient size for the Särmä Wood Stove, means to make fire, and a multi-tool.
Convenient size for the Särmä Wood Stove, means to make fire, and a multi-tool.
Great Britain

British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus

Price 9.99 USD excluding sales tax

Part of the British current-issue Osprey system in MTP camo, this Admin pouch is made for notepads or other flat items, and accessories. These are genuine army surplus pouches, tough quality, and is compatible with MOLLE gear.

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British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Standard PALS in the back. Width: 4 columns.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. The flap is adjustable and removable. A strip of webbing is found inside.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. The smaller flat pocket also has a webbing divider.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Handy attachment to a regular belt with two Single Column Särmä VFS adapters.
British Osprey Commanders' Admin pouch, MTP, surplus. Convenient size for the Särmä Wood Stove, means to make fire, and a multi-tool.

Part of the British current-issue Osprey system in MTP camo, this Admin pouch is made for notepads or other flat items, and accessories. These are genuine army surplus pouches, tough quality, and is compatible with MOLLE gear.

The pouch is essentially a flat pocket with a velcro-covered front and a small pouch for a multi-tool, small bottle (anti-mosquito repellant, hand sanitizer...), or a motivational energy bar. Behind the two smaller front pouches is a full-sized slash pocket.

Made of 1000D Cordura.

Pockets and measurements

The largest pocket has a "when things fit perfectly together" kind of affair with the Särmä Wood Stove and the smaller ones can be used for a fire steel, tinder, and so on. The pocket has a handy pull tab for ease of opening.

The flatter front pocket has a base for patches, a dividing webbing on the inside, and elastic cord loops above. We suggest one for a chemlight and the other for a cigar in an aluminum tube.

The last of the pockets looks like a pistol mag pouch but isn't: it is clearly made for larger objects and offers poor retention for mags. Instead, we suggest a large multi-tool or small bottle: if the diameter is 40 mm (1.57") or a bit less, it fits nicely. The flap is adjustable and removable.

MeasurementMetric unitsFreedom units
Width17.5 cm7"
Height16 cm6.3"
Main pocket15 x 15 cm6" x 6"
Front pocket10 x 10 cm4" x 4"
Small pouch5 x 10 x 2.5 cm2" x 4" x 1"

Attachment options

The back features standard PALS webbing, four columns wide. The pouch is directly compatible with any MOLLE gear, assault packs, and so on. A pouch this flat is quite handy on the belt as well, use two Single Column VFS MOLLE/PALS belt adapters to keep the pouch steady on your belt.

British army surplus

These are used but in a perfectly good, serviceable condition.

Kierto Circular Economy

Return this product used but clean and unbroken, and you'll receive half of the product's original price as Varusteleka credits. Service is available only in Finland. Only Registered users can make Kierto returns. See more information about Kierto.

All products: Great Britain


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3.77 / 5
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Suomi Suomi (7)
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Four stars
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17.10.2016 Verified purchase
Ei ole suoranaista tarvetta kaikille tämän ominaisuuksille, mutta on omiaan ottamaan sisäänsä Särmä risukeittimen. Pikkutaskuun saa vielä tulitikkuputken ja/tai sytyttimen pystyyn. Siinä käytössä palvelee varsin onnistuneesti.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

13.09.2017 Verified purchase
I keep my Sarma twig stove in it along with a firesteel. It does the job but I did add a velcro strip to prevent the loss of any pieces of the stove.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

26.09.2017 Verified purchase
Tämä tasku on mainio lisä ja juuri sopivan kokoinen esim. Miltecin rynnäkkörepun alempaan/suurempaan Molle-kujastoon. Tällä saa puuttuvan tarrakiinnitysmahdollisuuden.
Litteisiin taskuihin saa nopeasti jotain pikkutavaraa nopeaan säilytykseen ja "putkitaskuun" menee monitoimityökalu, kääntöveitsi, käsivalaisin yms.
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Three stars
I would not recommend to a friend

16.09.2018 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Myyjä suositteli tätä risukeittimen suojaksi. Se toimii muuten hyvin mutta tarranauha ei mahdu kiinni, joten se ei sulkeudu. Tästä ei ole ongelmaa isoille levyille mutta kattilankannattimet voivat solahtaa pois jos pussi kääntyy ylösalaisin.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

28.02.2019 Verified purchase
Very nice piece of kit. The MOLLE works perfectly, the pouch strap is velcro and is adjustable so you can keep a magazine in there, you can keep a multitool in there, I've got my Leatherman Wingman and a trap phone in there. There's the two wee shock cord straps which are nice and tight for pens and you can clip your keys on with a karabiner and have them nice and safe. There are two pockets; one open pocket behind the velcro place for your meme patches and another pocket that's sealed with velro and opens easily with a pull tab. The condition of the waterproofing is a little sus but at the end of the day this is an open-topped admin pouch designed for use in an arid environment so even if the waterproofing was in retail condition it'd be unsatisfactory for a temperate environment. 5 stars—I've got no real complaints.
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Three stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.05.2019 Verified purchase
Tämä arvostelu on annettu Särmä-risukeittimen kuljetusjärjestelmänä: Risukeitintä täytyy hieman ängetä taskuun. Taskun tarranauhaa ei saa kiinni kokonaan, kun keitin on taskussa. Keitin kyllä pysyy hyvin takussa tästä huolimatta. Molle-kiinnitysmahdollisuus on plussaa niille, jotka sitä voivat hyödyntää. Muuten taskussa on pelkän keittimen säilytykseen liikaa "krumeluuria" eli Molle-kiinnistys jos sille ei ole käyttöä, ylimääräiset pikkutaskut sekä Velcro-pala edessä. Suosittelen varauksin.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

25.01.2020 Verified purchase
Risukeitin mahtuu tänne. Jos haluaa, niin vetolenkistä voi vetää karbiinilukon repun molleen, jolloin ei mikään karkaa taskusta. Pienempään taskuun saa sytyttimen ja muita tulentekovälineitä, taitan liepekkeen vain pikkutaskun sisään tuplana ja pysyy ilman tarrakiinnitystäkin hollilla.

Tänne mahtuu myös Bushcraft Essentials Bushbox XL, joka on jo aika kookas! Sillä pitää jo lisätä vetolenkin ja mollen väliin narua, että saa kiinni varmasti. Istuvuus taskuun on niin tiukka, etten koe erillistä kiinnitystä tarpeelliseksi XL koolla.
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Three stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.04.2021 Verified purchase
I guess I got a dud, one of the snaps was slightly mashed so it won't close. It's for a Sarma twig stove which rides in the pack, so It's not like it's a big deal.

Edit: check out the Romanian general purpose pouch if you're looking for something to hold your twig stove. This works, but the Romanian pouch is a worthwhile upgrade if it's available.
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Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

01.01.2022 Verified purchase
Napakan oloinen taskuviritelmä, missä vielä napakammat napit - pysyy kiinni nimittäin, kunhan pihdeillä saa ensin napinpuoliskot kokonaan toisiinsa lukittua.
Ehtaa ylijäämää ja vahva suositus pesulle ennen käyttöä, koska oma yksilö oli todella likainen ja isompi sivutasku kätki mukavana yllärinä vielä likaisemmat käytetyt korvatulpat - oletettavasti tulpat myös brittiläistä ylijäämää. Hyi helvetti! Siitä hyvästä yksi tähti pois.
Just sille risukeittimelle passeli ja tuluksetkin menee mukavasti siihen pienempään, korvatulpattomaan taskuun.
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