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British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. The roomy hood can be extended a lot.
The roomy hood can be extended a lot.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. Three breast pockets, two roomy hem pockets and a very secure hook n loop & zipper closure on the front.
Three breast pockets, two roomy hem pockets and a very secure hook n loop & zipper closure on the front.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. These are unlined, which means you can fit anything underneath. The sleeve cuffs have a simple hook and loop adjustment.
These are unlined, which means you can fit anything underneath. The sleeve cuffs have a simple hook and loop adjustment.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. The rank insignia epaulette works as a hands-free.
The rank insignia epaulette works as a hands-free.
Great Britain

British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus

Price 35.99 - 43.99 USD excluding sales tax

One of the best field jackets ever made, the British Windproof Smock is famous for its versatility and thoroughly great design. A perfect jacket for round-the-year use. These are "old" Combat Soldier 95 DPM smocks from the times' British army kit was actually made in the UK.

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British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. The roomy hood can be extended a lot.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. Three breast pockets, two roomy hem pockets and a very secure hook n loop & zipper closure on the front.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. These are unlined, which means you can fit anything underneath. The sleeve cuffs have a simple hook and loop adjustment.
British CS95 Windproof Smock, DPM, surplus. The rank insignia epaulette works as a hands-free.

One of the best field jackets ever made, the British Windproof Smock is famous for its versatility and thoroughly great design. A perfect jacket for round-the-year use. These are "old" Combat Soldier 95 DPM smocks from the times' British army kit was actually made in the UK.

Originally designed in the '70s, this jacket was used in windy and cold conditions as the top layer. This is an unlined, practical field jacket with a spacious cut. Zipper closure, and six pockets: two large pockets in the hem, two on the chest, and two with zipper closure. Some jackets have a small pocket on the sleeve, some have velcro slabs. Drawcords on the hem and waist.

The fabric is a very tightly woven 50/50 polycotton blend with a water repellent treatment, which of course will wear out with time. It can be revitalized with suitable solutions.

Size info

We have listed user's recommended measurements: first up is user height, then chest circumference. If you fall between sizes, pick the smaller one, as the cut is very generous.



In used but serviceable condition, with the usual signs of wear like faded fabric, maybe a stain somewhere, a missing cord here or there, removed hood wire etc. In other words do not expect a pristine smock, because you'll likely get a properly worn one.

Note: The smock in the photos is an unissued one. Please note these are used. Some might have the sleeve velcro patches, some not. We won't pick.

A bit of history

Ever since the Second World War the Brits have issued and used a selection of jackets that have been called smocks, starting with the legendary Denison Smock of the paratroopers. In general, the smocks have been designed with a loose-cut with pockets that allow carrying items without wearing actual load-bearing webbing.

The first Windproof Smocks of the '40s were anorak style jackets and their greatest benefit compared to other options of the time was the luxurious carry capacity of four pockets. The Combat Soldier 95 is the successor to special forces Arctic Windproof Smock, which saw some action in the Falklands.

The Windproof Smock is one of the most beloved pieces of kit issued in the British armed forces, and quite often bought by those who aren't lucky enough to be issued one by The Queen.

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All products: Great Britain


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26.05.2016 Verified purchase
Hinta-laatusuhteeltaan paras takki, mitä maa päällään kantaa
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Three and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

27.07.2016 Verified purchase
Hyvä takki, erityisesti hintaisekseen. Taskuja on ns. riittävästi ja pitää vettäkin pihalla: tämä tuli testatuksi siten, että kovassa kaatosateessa oli jäänyt helmataskun läppä auki ja koko tasku täyttyi vedellä.

Pisteet myös hyvästä ja säädettävästä hupusta! Kurjalla säällä huppu suojaa juuri sopivasti muodostamalla tunnelin ja oikein kurjalla säällä sisälle mahtuu myös pyöräilykypärä.

Kovin purevaa tuulta ei pidä pelkiltään loitolla ja jostakin syystä vaikka leikkaus on muuten väljä, on takki kainaloista nafti. Ei haittaa muuten, mutta välillä kun alla on paksumpaa villapaitaa useampi kerros tämän huomaa.

Mihin käyttöön? Silloin kun sää on epävakainen, mutta sade ei ole jatkuvaa. Ei korvaa sadevaatteita tai kuoritakkia, mutta on vastaavasti mukavampi päällä silloin kun ei sada. Isojen taskujen ansiosta etenkin päiväretkille hyvä, kun pieneen reppuun sulloo vain eväät ja takin taskuihin loput päivän aikana tarvittavat kamppeet. Pitemmillä reissuilla tämmöinen on mahdollista kuivata (etenkin tulen ääressä), toisin kuin monet läpi kastuneet kalvovaatteet.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

13.09.2016 Verified purchase
Best field jacket I have ever used.
The large pockets are easily accessible and for shorter hikes I often skip the backpack and stuff everything (including a small stove) into my pockets instead.
The only thing preventing a full five star is the hood. I swapped the metal wire rim for a more rigid plastic one.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

29.09.2016 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Huikea takki! Tällä on menty lukuisat vaellukset niin kesällä kuin talvellakin. Suojaa kaikelta maailman pahalta (paitsi kovemmalta vesisateelta): talvisessa tunturissa pitää poissa kovemmankin tuulen ja tuiskeen, kesällä antaa suojakuoren sääskiä vastaan (aurinkoisena päivänä tosin tulee kuuma). Iso huppu on ehkä tökerön näköinen, mutta suojaa erittäin hyvin (rautalangan jouduin tosin vaihtamaan jossain vaiheessa). Tilavat taskut! Rintataskuissa kun kuljettelee kenttäpulloa, niin eipä pääse talvella jäätymään. Nyt takki on jäänyt osa-aikaeläkkeelle uuden PCS version myötä.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

23.10.2016 Verified purchase
Hinta/laatu voittamaton! Lyhyen sisäänajon jälkeen ei voi muuta kun sanoa että helvetin hyvä
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

01.11.2016 Verified purchase
Great piece of equippment, sturdy and great wearing (adjustable).
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

08.11.2016 Verified purchase
Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

17.01.2017 ⚠ Unverified purchase
Hemmetin hyvä takki ulkoiluun. Leikkaus mahdollistaa hyvän liikkuvuuden ja taskuja on vähintäänkin riittävästi.
Tuunasin takkiini M65-takin irtovuoren nappikiinnityksellä, toimii hyvin kepeillä pakkaskeleilläkin.
Omani on varhaisempaa erää ja hyväkuntoinen käytetty, hihasta puuttui hihan velcropaikat mutta eipä tuo haittaa.
2 Like 1 Dislike Report abuse
Four stars
I would recommend for a friend

16.03.2017 Verified purchase
Ei näytä olevan paljon kommentoitu kokoa joten siitä.
Olen 190 senttinen, satakiloinen hieman vatsakas ja ostin koon 190/120 joka osoittautui kuitenkin liian isoksi. Tilasin uuden koossa 180/112 ja se on "just"
Itse nutun pituus on poikkeuksellisen pitkä muihin vastaaviin joten vaatinee totuttelemista.
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MAximiliano M. 02.03.2020
Very recommended I received my jacket in Argentina and delivery times were relatively short. The material and the preparation are excellent (only larger than the size of what is believed).
Absolutely suitable to do any exercise or work outside with rain or wind without having to wear a coat down (or with it). Excellent Varusteleka service answering my questions and meeting delivery times.
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david s. 06.07.2022
Now don't laugh at me for trying, but don't repeat my mistake of trying to dye this thing. I knew from the bat it wasn't likely to work but I dislike camoflauge and though to make it less apparent... The 50/50 poly blend should have put me off, and the water repellant treatment should have sealed the deal but I went ahead anyway, and it certainly didn't work.
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