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Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.

Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus

Price 9.99 USD excluding sales tax

A nice yet affordable basic green turtleneck shirt from Austria. Pretty similar to the BW one but with a heartwarming terrycloth inside In very good condition for being military surplus.

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Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.
Austrian Turtleneck Shirt, Surplus.

A nice yet affordable basic green turtleneck shirt from Austria. Pretty similar to the BW one but with a heartwarming terrycloth inside In very good condition for being military surplus.


These long-sleeved shirts are green and feature a tall zippered turtleneck collar. The hem is quite a bit longer at the back, so the wind will not bite you in your ass that easily. Use it on its own or on top of an undershirt. This batch has shirts at least from the 2000s and 2010s, and at least from two manufacturers. Therefore the materials, color shades, and fabric thicknesses vary to some extent. Some are more sage green and some olive drab, but an interior decorator might give a dozen new exotic names for them and give delightful ideas for combining them with various accessories.

Materials and care

As mentioned before, the materials vary. Some of these are 60% polypropylene and 40% cotton. Others 33% cotton, 33% viscose, 31% polypropylene, and 3% elastane. We wouldn’t be surprised if other combinations are uncovered as well. Both of the ones mentioned can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius. In case any very exotic combos turn up, the washing instructions tell you how to take care of them. Most likely nothing too surprising is revealed though.

Choosing the right size

The size system is not surprisingly Austrian. The larger the number, the bigger the shirt. We added some actual measurements in the chart below. The chest width is measured flat from armpit to armpit, so it is easy to compare with your own shirts. Bear in mind that the measurements can vary from shirt to shirt because the shirts get stretched in use. Since these are stretchy, precision fitting isn’t that vital anyway. If you prefer a loose fit, take one size bigger.

Austrian turtleneck shirt Metric Units

Size Chest width
1 42 cm
2 46 cm
3 50 cm
4 54 cm
5 58 cm
6 62 cm

Austrian turtleneck shirt Freedom Units

Size Chest width
1 16.5”
2 18”
3 19.7“
4 21.3”
5 22.8”
6 24.4”


Used Austrian military surplus. Used but not abused, so these are clean and intact. In other words, quite a nice deal!

Austrian surplus

Functional, neutral, clean. That's what the Austrian Bundesheer gear is made of. Our Austrian surplus revolves mostly around the Anzug 75 and Anzug 03 clothing systems, but who knows, maybe the "Tarnanzug Neu" will make it's appearance if the Austrians decide to clear the stocks in the future. Get your OD gear while the stocks last.

After the Second World War the Austrian soldier looked like a weird mixture of Allies and Germans; the M1 style helmet and general profile really tried to bring that NATO vibe up, but a lot of the gear and even the dotted camouflage pattern looked surprisingly much like WW2 German issue. In the 70s they took a major leap towards NATO with the introduction of the all-green Anzug 75 clothing and equipment system closely inspired by the American equivalents, finally letting go of the "old stuff". The Anzug 03 brought the game up to date with some changes in effort to modernize the whole thing. Now the Bundesheer is again moving over to camouflage.

All products: Austria


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Two and a half stars
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18.12.2021 Verified purchase
Tämä voisi olla ihan hyvä paita, mutta kunto on huono eikä vastaa kuvausta. Omassa paidassani oli useita reikiä ja kangas on laadultaan sellaista, että se luultavasti reikiintyy muutenkin helposti. Nyt kun katsoo tuotekuvaa tarkemmin, siinäkin näkyy pari reikää aika samoissa paikoissa, joten se saattaapi olla jonkinlainen feature tässä paidassa.
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Five stars
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23.12.2021 Verified purchase
Good quality, as new. Long hem so perfect for taller people. Got size 5, I'm 190 tall with a 112 chest and it fits me perfect.
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Four stars
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04.01.2022 Verified purchase
Two stars
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16.01.2022 Verified purchase
Tuote oli erittäin huonokuntoinen, vaikka tuotekuvauksesta sai kuvan ehjästä tuotteesta. Hihoissa oli useita reikiä ja pitkin paitaa sellasia palaneita kohtia. Lisäksi paita haisee sellaiselta rintamamiestalon perunakellarilta ja haju ei lähde pesemälläkään.

Mutta itse paita on aivan loistava muotoilultaan ja istuvuudeltaan, parhaimpia vastaavanlaisista armeijan pooloista, siitä 2 tähteä. Vielä kun Leka myisi näitä ehjänä, eikä tälläisiä vanhoja spermarättejä, niin 10 euroa olisi ihan käypä hinta!
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

06.02.2022 Verified purchase
Good shirt, mine appears unissued. I’m 182cm tall and weigh about 70kg and the size 3 fit me like a glove.
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Four stars
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09.02.2022 Verified purchase
Mukavan tuntuinen poolopaita välikerrokseksi.

Aiempien arvostelujen perusteella itsellä näyttäisi käyneen melko hyvä tuuri tämän paidan suhteen, sillä paita on täysin ehjä ja vaikuttaa ainakin tällä hetkellä varsin kestävältä kokonaisuudelta.

Paitana erittäin toimiva välikerroksena esim. ihan vain T-paidan ja villapaidan välissä. Tekee siis mielestäni tehtävänsä. Voi myös toki käyttää ihan sellaisenaan sisällä, jos niin tahtoo.

Värinä olisin toivonut hieman vihreämpää vaatekappaletta, mutta oma paita on lähempänä harmaata kuin mitään muuta väriä. Hihat ovat myös jostain syystä melko lyhyet, ja ne jäävät muutaman sentin ranteiden yläpuolelle, vaikka paita istuu muuten hyvin päälle.

Kaiken kaikkiaan pystyn suosittelemaan tätä paitaa ainakin omalta osalta, mutta itsehän teet valintasi tämän tilaamiseen liittyen. 10 eurolla kuitenkin suosittelisin tilaamaan, ja katsomaan millaisessa kunnossa oma tuote on.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

24.02.2022 Verified purchase
From other reviews, seems like these could be hit or miss. I have three, however, and all have been great. Two arrived in a bit "rougher" condition, but without holes or other issues. Another arrived in excellent condition. Very nice to knock about in, inside, during cold months, or for use as a base layer in mild weather. I'd go with something poly as a base when outside in the cold.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

20.12.2022 Verified purchase
For the price very good. Nice extra layer
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

04.03.2023 Verified purchase
Very happy with it. A bit lighter in weight than the Dutch version.

Came in good condition, minimal wear. Ordered a size 4, fits my 180 cm/90kg carcass perfectly with a light t shirt underneath.

But as stated in the description, double check the tags for laundry instructions. Mine is 60/40 Polypropelen/Baumwolle and says not to throw in the dryer. However, it seemed to survive it's trip through the dryer without any ill effects. Probably going to get another one if/when they get restocked. These are an exceptional value.
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