This page contains our selection of toiletry bags for men and women. Over the years, people have made up so many names for these bags that you need more than two hand's fingers to count them all. Toiletries bag is also known at least as a hygiene bag, make-up bag, wash bag, and travel kit. And that's not even half of all the names. Anyhow, a toiletry bag is a common item for all of us and it's an undisputed product for traveling. You can find Varusteleka's own brand's toiletry bags or army surplus hygiene bags. Read the full story

This page contains our selection of toiletry bags for men and women. Over the years, people have made up so many names for these bags that you need more than two hand's fingers to count them all. Toiletries bag is also known at least as a hygiene bag, make-up bag, wash bag, and travel kit. And that's not even half of all the names. Anyhow, a toiletry bag is a common item for all of us and it's an undisputed product for traveling. You can find Varusteleka's own brand's toiletry bags or army surplus hygiene bags.

Believe or not, also toiletry bag's origins are from the military. To be exact, a hygiene bag is made by the US military for the First World War, and that's the story began. It's funny how hygiene bags were initially created for men, but women, too, have sure taken the benefit of this invention. Nowadays toiletry bag is often used at home and when traveling. The name kind of implicates the usage of the bag. You carry your hygiene and cosmetic products in these bags, to keep them separate from your main traveling bag. It's also convenient to keep your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and perfume near each other. Toiletry bags are usually waterproof at least from the inside.
