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Recommended also
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
White (RAL 9010)
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml. A hub dynamo & rim painted with warry olive drab.
A hub dynamo & rim painted with warry olive drab.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.

NFM EC Paint, 400 ml

Price 14.99 USD excluding sales tax

Proper military-grade spray paint, perfect for weapons, gear and any other trinkets you want to camouflage. Unlike most civilian paints EC Paint also works under NVG surveillance, blending in naturally.

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NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml. A hub dynamo & rim painted with warry olive drab.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.
NFM EC Paint, 400 ml.

Proper military-grade spray paint, perfect for weapons, gear and any other trinkets you want to camouflage. Unlike most civilian paints EC Paint also works under NVG surveillance, blending in naturally.

ATTENTION! Unfortunately, we can't ship aerosols abroad, online orders can only be delivered to Finnish addresses and only by Matkahuolto services.

The EC Paint colour range is really all you need for any possible environment: two shades of green, three browns from really pale sand colour to the dark Mud Brown. Also included are grey and white which are great for arctic and urban environments, and of course, black that works wonders in adding extra depth to flat surfaces.


There are just about as many painting techniques as there are painters, but here are some basic guidelines to get started:

  • Dark colours display best over a lighter undercoat whilst lighter colours need more layers to show brightly over a dark undercoat.
  • The environment is full of great depths and dark shadows, an illusion of depth can be created by careful use of black paint.
  • Sometimes less is more, a small, extremely detailed or multi-coloured camouflage pattern can easily just melt together into a solid blob of colour. Carefully defined shapes and contrasts break up shapes effectively.
  • Natural stencils are easy to make, just go out and pick some leaves and branches!
  • You can use a paintbrush or sponge to apply to spray paint, just spray a bit onto a plate or cup and dip the brush or sponge in before the paint dries.
  • Trial and error are great teachers, painting is not rocket science and actually quite fun!

Made by NFM of Norway

NFM is a Norwegian military gear manufacturer and distributor, the EC Paint was developed to meet European standards and regulations regarding manufacturing processes etc.

All products: NFM


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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

10.08.2017 Verified purchase
Tällä saa muuten amatöörikin tehtyä ihan hemmetin komian kuvituksen!
Pinta on kuivuttuaan erinomainen ja sileä, kestää myös kulutusta yllättävän hyvin. Kiskoista irtoaa melko nopeasti jos vaihtelet tacticooleja pyssytarvikkeitasi päivittäin.
Ja jos meni ketuiksi niin lähtee vikkelään asetoonilla pois terveisin kokeiltu on.
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Four and a half stars
I would recommend for a friend

Varusteleka employee 16.01.2020 Verified purchase
Three stars
I would recommend for a friend

19.11.2020 Verified purchase
En teeskentele olevani tietäjä mitä tulee kilikolimaaleihin, mutta yllätyin kun mud brown-purkista tuli pikemminkin coyote brownin väristä substanssia ja vastaavasti coyote muistutti hiekkaa (sand). Sekä kirkkaalle että tummalle pinnalle testattu.
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Five stars
I would recommend for a friend

26.06.2022 Verified purchase
Ennen tätä maalia tuli kokeiltua Krylonin camomaaleja, niistä jäi pinta helposti naarmuuntuvaksi. Tämä jättää kovemman ja ns."liukkaamman" pinnan mikä kestää naarmutusta ainakin kynnellä verrattuna ihan eri tavalla, varsinkin kun heittää useamman kerroksen maalia. Tarttuu hyvin kiinni.

Täysin mustalla primerillä ainakin Forest Green-väri säilyy mukavan kirkkaana (hyvällä tavalla).
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